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历史的巨变,时代的印痕,留给我们许多思考和启迪。李安平先生撰写的此文,简述了一百年来中华民族寻求科学之路,富强祖国、振兴中华的理想和追求;阐明了实施科教兴国战略,是党中央高举邓小平理论旗帜,科学分析中国百年历程和社会发展趋势的正确总结。从鸦片战争后仁人志士科学救国的求索努力,到1949年前中国饱受列强的欺凌辱耻;从新中国成立后科教事业的蓬勃发展,到前进道路上的挫折教训;从改革开放以来我国科学技术的一系列重大成就,到党的十五大以后科教兴国战略的付诸实施,使人们看到了科学技术的巨大力量,看到了中华民族伟大复兴的希望,看到了新世纪中国科技飞腾的明天。另外,根据中国科协普及部和中国科技史学会提供的资料,自本期始本刊在封三陆续编发百年科技发现与发明大事图展。回顾世纪的沦桑,迎接未来的岁月,让我们共创中国科技新的辉煌! The tremendous changes in history and the marks of the times have left us with lots of thoughts and enlightenment. The article written by Mr. Li Anping outlines the ideal and pursuit of the Chinese nation for the road to science, the prosperity of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the past 100 years. It also states that the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the Chinese nation through science and education expresses the CPC Central Committee's holding high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and scientifically analyzing the centenary of China Correct process of social development and the correct conclusion. From the search and rescue efforts of the lofty ideals in science to save the nation after the Opium War, China was greatly humiliated by the bullying of the powers before 1949; from the vigorous development of science and education after the founding of New China to the lesson of setbacks on the road to progress; since the reform and opening up, China's science and technology Since the 15th CPC National Congress, the strategy of rejuvenating our country through science and education has been put into effect so that people can see the tremendous power of science and technology, see the hope of a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and see the future of China's science and technology soar in the new century. In addition, according to the information provided by the China Science and Technology Association and the China Science and Technology History Association, since the beginning of this issue of this issue in a series of 100 years of science and technology found inventions and inventions major exhibition. Recalling the degeneration of the century, to meet the future years, let us create new Chinese science and technology brilliant!
Unit 8 Mainly revision●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.动词be的缩写形式,is,are与人称代词主格连用或与who,what,w here等疑问代词、疑问副词连用时,可以采用Im,you re,he s,she s,i
设计背景:  随着经济发展和城市化水平的不断加速,越来越多的农民走进城市务工就业,他们的子女也跟随父母进城生活和求学。通过调查研究发现,外来民工子女是一群敏感而易受伤害的孩子。现实社会的城乡经济差距、教育差距、文明差距,导致了烙在孩子心灵深处的心理障碍,他们中有些人在心理健康方面出现了一些问题,如:自卑、自暴自弃、自我封闭、性格孤僻等。但是,他们也有自强不息、孝顺长辈、动手能力强等许多优点。解决外
由北京维天信公司研制的“地面气象自动观测系统”与2001年4月11日在北京通过设计定型审查。 该系统具有对温度、湿度、气压、风向、风速、雨量等要素自动采集、计算、显示和存储功
介绍了中国、美国、日本钢铁工业1995,1996年的生产和1995年的消费情况,并对我国钢铁工业的发展提出了几点建议。 The production of the steel industry in China, the United States and