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科技战略规划,就是谋求影响科学技术及其相互环境未来发展的行动方案。我国以往的科技战略规划,一般是指科学技术长远发展规划,包含远景规划、五年发展计划、年度执行计划,是一个由远景到近期的计划体系。从1986年国民经济第七个五年计划开始,科技战略规划对应地形成“七五”、“八五”、“九五”以至“十五”等中长期科技战略规划,形成了目前的“长远规划-重点科技项目计划-项目年度计划”科技计划体系。随着市场经济体制地位在我国的确立,改革开放的深入,科技战略规划表现出明显不同的涵义。最明显的特征是规划的内涵和范围拓展,不再是较为封闭的、以指令性为主的比较单一的计划体系,而是既包含了指令性计划和重大项目,又包含有指导性政策纲要、专项计划等综合性、多层次的计划体系。如除了长远规划和五年计划之外,还有科学基金制、“八六三”计划、《国家中长期科 Science and technology strategic planning is to seek action programs that affect the future development of science and technology and their mutual environment. The past strategic science and technology plans in our country generally refer to the long-term development plan for science and technology, which includes the long-term planning, the five-year development plan and the annual implementation plan. It is a long-term and near-term planning system. Starting from the Seventh Five-Year Plan for National Economy in 1986, science and technology strategic planning correspondingly formed medium and long-term science and technology projects such as the “75”, “85”, “95” and even “15” Strategic planning, formed the current “long-term planning - key science and technology project plan - project annual plan ” science and technology planning system. With the establishment of the market economy system in our country and the deepening of the reform and opening up, the strategic plan for science and technology has shown obviously different meanings. The most obvious feature is the expansion of the connotation and scope of the plan. It is no longer a relatively closed and largely prescriptive system of planning. Instead, it contains both mandatory plans and major projects, as well as a guiding policy outline , Special plans and other comprehensive, multi-level planning system. In addition to the long-term planning and the five-year plan, there are also the scientific fund system, the “863” plan, the "National Medium and Long-Term Branch
The 17~(th)Meeting of China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfully held in Jeju,Korea on May 22,2013.Through serious evaluation,th
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环境问题已成为全世界的焦点问题,保护环境是每个人的责任和义务,而提高环保意识至关重要,教育是提高环保意识很有效的途径,而数学课也可以成为 Environmental issues have
终态法就是避开复杂的中间过程,抓住终态的特征量,借助守恒、方程叠加等技巧列出始态与终态的关系式快速求解的一种方法,其特点是化繁为简、化難为易,为解题赢得时间,达到事半功倍的效果,下面列举几例,旨在抛砖引玉。  注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”
通过加强煤气使用管理和采用先进的点火技术,烧结机点火热耗从1989年到1998年由192MJ/t降至123MJ/t,降低35.94%,取得了明显的节能效果。 By strengthening the management of
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寻找圣经的罗伯 1954年,德鲁克提出了一个具有划时代意义的概念——目标管理(ManagementBy Objectives,简称为MBO),它是德鲁克所发明的最重要、最有影响的概念,并已成为当代
Unit 8 Mainly revision●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.动词be的缩写形式1.am,is,are与人称代词主格连用或与who,what,w here等疑问代词、疑问副词连用时,可以采用Im,you re,he s,she s,i