Oxidative stress and antioxidants in hepatic pathogenesis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pdscyz
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Long term hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major risk factor in pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases,including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The HBV encod-ed proteins,hepatitis B virus X protein and preS,appear to contribute importantly to the pathogenesis of HCC. Both are associated with oxidative stress,which can damage cellular molecules like lipids,proteins,and DNA during chronic infection. Chronic alcohol use is another important factor that contributes to oxidative stress in the liver. Previous studies reported that treatment with antioxidants,such as curcumin,silymarin,green tea,and vitamins C and E,can protect DNA from damage and regulate liver pathogenesis-related cascades by reducing reactive oxygen species. This review summarizes some of the relationships between oxidative stress and liver pathogenesis,focusing upon HBV and alcohol,and suggests antioxidant therapeutic approaches. Long term hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major risk factor in pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The HBV encod-ed proteins, hepatitis B virus X protein and preS, appear to contribute importantly to the pathogenesis of HCC. Both are associated with oxidative stress, which can damage cellular molecules like lipids, proteins, and DNA during chronic infection. Chronic alcohol use is another important factor that contributes to oxidative stress in the liver. Previous studies reported that treatment with antioxidants, such as curcumin, silymarin, green tea, and vitamins C and E, can protect DNA from damage and regulate liver pathogenesis-related cascades by reducing reactive oxygen species. This review summarizes some of the relationships between oxidative stress and liver pathogenesis, focusing upon HBV and alcohol, and suggests antioxidant therapeutic approaches.
《铁娘子》  导演:菲利达?劳埃德  主演:梅里尔?斯特里普 / 吉姆?布劳德本特  翻拍名人的传记总是比较容易受到大众的关注、赢得好评,比如这部关于英国第一位女首相撒切尔夫人的电影《铁娘子》,让梅姑第三次问鼎奥斯卡影后。  我们喜欢看名人的片子,因为他们的成功激情多少会感染到我们,好似上了堂正能量提升课,从他们的身上看到我们的不足,从他们的成功处找寻与自己相似的地方,虽然看完电影,又回到平凡人生
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