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《文心雕龙》作为具有文论和文学双重性质的著作,其文论与文学双重成就的取得与书写语言密切相关。本书书写语言主要有两种模式:一是诗性描述式形象化语言,二是理性论述式理论化语言。描述性形象化语言主要体现为对自然景物的描绘、大量的比喻及典故运用等;论述性理论化语言主要是对理论观点、概念范畴进行阐述诠释,具有明晰性、逻辑性及简约性等特点。由于两种书写语言各有利弊,刘勰采用交互并用之法,取长补短,不但使“体大虑周”的文论思想得到明晰透彻地阐释,而且赋予了本书丰富深厚的文学韵味,从而使《文心雕龙》成为中国古代文论史乃至世界文论史上最具文学性和审美色彩的文学理论宏伟巨著。 Wen Xin Diao Long, as a book with the dual nature of literary theory and literature, is closely related to the acquisition of dual achievements in literary theory and literature. Book writing language mainly in two modes: one is the poetic description of the visual language, the second is the rational discourse theory of language. Descriptive visualization language is mainly reflected in the portrayal of natural scenery, a large number of metaphors and the use of allusions; theorist theorized language is mainly the theoretical point of view, the concept of interpretation of the category, with clarity, logic and simplicity and so on . Because of the pros and cons of two kinds of writing languages, Liu Xun uses the method of interaction and combination to learn from others’ strengths and weaknesses, which not only makes clear and thorough the literary theory thought of “thinking big and thinking about Zhou”, but also gives rich and profound literary flavor to the book. Make “Wen Xin Diao Long” the magnificent masterpiece of literary theory with the most literary and aesthetic meanings in the history of ancient Chinese literary theory and even in the literary history of the world.
鼻咽癌合并尿崩症少见。我科收治一例。报告如下: 患者女性,27岁,已婚。住院号141409。1985年9月头痛,鼻塞,鼻衄。1986年2月鼻咽部活检确诊为低分化鳞癌。在~(60)Co放疗中,
艾特温·缪亚(Edwin Muir(1887—1959)的诗歌创作始于一九二一年。现在他是公认的著名现代诗人。然而,翻开一九 Edwin Muir (1887-1959) began his poetry writing in 1921
我院1985~1986年曾收治1例颌面部巨大软骨肉瘤,患者曾先后3次住院、手术。现报道如下。 患者,男,23岁。因左面颊部隆起1个月而就诊。病理诊断“左上颌骨混合瘤”于1985年10月