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我们采写的一位从弃婴、尼姑到大学生——孙乙的长篇通讯,以《唯有渴望不曾改》为题发表在3月22日的《中国青年报》一版头条。这篇文章报道了一位生于艰难困苦之中的女青年,以自强不息、奋斗不止的毅力终于叩开了大学之门。这篇通讯发表以后,引起强烈的社会反响。最初,我们是从团中央学校部的同志那里知道孙乙这个人的。当时正处在春节前夕,党中央号召要关心群众的疾苦。在共青团系统和学校系统,需要关心的是那些高校的特困生们,尤其是那些来自老少边穷地 One of the first articles we wrote about from “Abandoned Infants and Nun to College Student-Sun B, published a headline on March 22 in the” China Youth Daily “titled” Only Longing for No Change. " This article reports on a young woman who was born in hardships and struggles and finally opened the door of her university with perseverance and unrelenting struggle. After the publication of this newsletter, it has aroused strong social repercussions. At first, we learned about Sun B from the comrades of the CYL Central School. At that time, on the eve of the Spring Festival, the Party Central Committee called for the care of the suffering of the masses. In the system of the Communist Youth League and the school system, what needs to be concerned is the poor students in those colleges and universities, especially those from the poor and young
创意一直是最重要的——那是我们的一切。如果想法不够有创意和有参与性,就不能制造出一种关联。Tom Eslinger,1998年加入新西兰Saatchi & Saatchi任创意总监,开始为品牌打造
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