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NEC笔记本目前在中国市场的产品策略是同一时间,每个产品系列只提供一至两个型号。从今年三季度起NEC将针对同一产品系列,至少同时投放2~3个不同性价比的型号,以满足中国用户对笔记本电脑应用的多样化需求。同时,从下半年起NEC还将引入经销代理分级制度,以完善其销售网的渗透能力。6月23日,NEC个人电脑产品部经理葛品良向记者介绍了NEC笔记本下半年的“改革方案”。葛品良说,中国笔记本电脑市场的潜力及增长速度,可列全球之冠。整体上中国笔记本电脑市场的增长率在96及97年度分别是60%和70%,而NEC估计,今年中国笔记本的增长率则应达70%以上。其增长因素一方面是由于中国笔记本市场日趋成熟,笔记本移动办公概念,进一步被市场所接纳;另一方面,国内低价位品牌笔记本电脑的出现,导致了笔记本用户“平民化”的趋势。谈到市场竞争的形势,葛品良坚决表示,NEC绝不会只单纯地利用价格策略切入市场。减价行动无疑是最快速直接的促销行动,但NEC却不能忽视中国笔记本用户日趋成熟的消费意识,NEC相信,中国笔记本用户对计算机的真正功能及质量要求,越来越高;同时用户购买笔记本时,亦会认真地考虑自己的需要而作出选择。用户再不希望用便宜的价钱,购置一台不适合自己的 NEC notebook currently in the Chinese market, product strategy is the same time, each product line only provides one or two models. Starting from the third quarter of this year, NEC will target at the same product line with at least 2 ~ 3 models of different price / performance ratios at the same time to meet the diverse needs of Chinese users for laptop applications. At the same time, from the second half of NEC will also introduce a classification system of distribution agents in order to improve the penetration of its sales network. June 23, NEC PC Product Manager Ge Pin-liang introduced to reporters the second half of NEC notebook “reform program.” Ge Pin-liang said that China’s notebook market potential and growth rate, can be ranked first in the world. Overall, the growth rate of China’s notebook market is 60% and 70% respectively in 1996 and 1997. NEC estimates that the growth rate of notebooks in China should reach 70% or above this year. On the one hand, the growth factor is due to the maturity of China’s notebook market, notebook mobile office concept, further accepted by the market; the other hand, the emergence of domestic low-cost brand notebook computers, notebook users led to the “civilian” trend. Speaking of the situation of market competition, Ge Pin Liang insisted that NEC will not simply use the price strategy to cut into the market. Price-cut action is undoubtedly the fastest and most direct promotional action, but NEC can not ignore the increasingly sophisticated consumer awareness of China’s notebook users, NEC believes that Chinese notebook users on the computer’s true functionality and quality requirements, higher and higher; the same time users to buy notebooks I will also make a serious choice when considering my own needs. Users do not want to use cheap prices, the purchase of a not suitable for their own
摘 要在当前职业高中计算机课程的教学中,通过实践发现了一系列的问题,这些问题的存在直接影响了职业高中学生的学习,十分不利于职业高中计算机课程教学有效性的提升。本文首要对当前职业高中计算机教学中面临的问题进行了概述,从学生学习积极性、课程教学设计以及学生在计算机方面的创新能力三个方面进行了研究,在此基础上,根据职业高中计算机面临的问题,提出了丰富教学模式,提高教师的专业素养以及丰富计算机课程的教学形
记者赵文源报道 7月20日从Unisys公司获悉,Unisys与深圳机场签署了120万美元的合同,为深圳机场提供Unisys公司的机场旅客管理系统APPS(Airport Passenger Processing system
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