清明时节,是品尝新茶的时候。而今身居京城的我,又勾忆起在江南的日子,那品茗自乐的欢快情景,又浮现在眼前…… 湘南的山村,春天来得早,伴着早春二月,总会有几场雷雨。电闪雷鸣后,雨点倾泻而下,来得猛,去得快。阵阵春风也用力叩打着家家户户的门窗,仿佛要闯进这些寻常人家。 春雨过后,万物精神十足,树木绽出新叶,百草呈现青绿色。在山坡沟边,特别醒目的是那一丛丛一
Tomb Sweeping Festival, is the time to enjoy new tea. Now living in the capital of me, but also reminiscent of the days in the south, that fun scene of tea joy, but also in front of ... ... Southern Hunan mountain village, spring comes early, accompanied by early spring in February, there will always be a few games thunderstorm. After thunder and lightning, raindrops pour down, come fierce, go faster. Spring breeze bursts hard at every household doors and windows, as if to break into these ordinary people. After the spring rain, all things full of spirit, the trees blooming new leaves, paraquat appears turquoise. In the hillside ditch, particularly eye-catching is that Cong Cong