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  Bill: Are you alright Hill? I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve seemed a bit down in the dumps of late.
  Hillary: It’s that obvious huh?
  Bill: What’s got you so down?
  Hillary: All these stupid job interviews, that’s what. I mean, I’m having trouble sleeping, my 1)appetite’s all but disappeared, and it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.
  Bill: Well, I’m not sure if this helps, but you’re not alone.
  Hillary: Really, you too?
  Bill: Mmm…①Not me, per se, but I read in some job-hunting magazine that three out of every four graduates experience symptoms of stress or even 2)full-fledged depression in the first few years out of school. So it’s quite common.
  Hillary: OK. But that doesn’t help much. What else have you heard?
  Bill: Have you ever considered lowering your standards a bit, and not aiming so high right out of the gate?
  Hillary: Not yet. I know it’d be the 3)prudent choice to lower my expectations, but that’s not how I was brought up. My parents always told me I should shoot for the stars, and not settle for anything less. They said that if I set seemingly 4)unattainable goals of myself, that I’d be able to accomplish more in life and live up to my true potential.
  Bill: There is certainly a lot of truth and wisdom in your parents’ words. But you’ve also gotta remember that you’re still young. ②And what you might consider settling for an 5)undesirable job is really just a means to an end. If you want to make your long-term dreams come true, you need experience and a steady income to serve as the foundation for your future career.
  Hillary: That’s all well and good, but it’s a 6)moot point if I can’t even land a job at the grassroots level. And all the rejections are starting to take a toll on me. I’ve been getting the 7)jitters both before and after interviews. It’s like I’m overcome with this feeling of dread as soon as I set foot in the office.
  Bill: Maybe, next time, you could try some 8)rhythmic breathing or 9)visualization techniques to relax yourself beforehand.③That way, when you go in for the interview, you won’t seem so stressed and on edge when they ask you questions.
  Hillary: Does that really work?
  Bill: ④It worked for me, but don’t take my word for it. The other day, I heard this 10)renowned psychologist on some show say that clearing all those doubts and gloomy employment figures out of your head is the best way to relieve pre-interview anxiety.   Hillary: That’s actually a great idea. I’ll definitely try it next time. Thank you Bill!
  Bill: Don’t mention it. And good luck!
  Smart Sentences
  ① Not me, per se, but I read in some jobhunting magazine that three out of every four graduates experience symptoms of stress or even full-fledged depression in the first few years out of school. 不是我本人,但是我在某本求职杂志上看到,在刚离校的头几年,有四分之三的毕业生都会出现焦虑或者极度沮丧的症状。
  per se: by or in itself(亲身,本身,自身)。例如:
  I have nothing against selfie sticks per se, but I deemed the selfie maniacs insane.
  ② And what you might consider settling for an undesirable job is really just a means to an end. 你也许认为接受不理想的工作其实真的只是一种达到目的的手段。
  a means to an end: sth. that you are not interested in but you do because it will help you to achieve sth. else(达到目的的方法)。例如:
  Sometimes, we seem to forget that technology is only a means to an end.
  ③ That way, when you go in for the interview, you won’t seem so stressed and on edge when they ask you questions. 这样的话,当你进去面试,面试官提问的时候,你就不会看起来那么紧张不安了。
  on edge: tense, nervous, irritable(紧张不安,烦躁)。例如:
  You’re always on edge waiting for an important call, because you don’t really know when that phone will ring.在等一个重要电话时人总是焦虑不安,因为谁也不知道电话什么时候会响。
  ④ It worked for me, but don’t take my word for it. 对我来说有用,但是别信我的话。
  take sb.’s word for it: believe sb. without checking the facts(相信某人说的是真话)。例如:
  If she says she’s sick, you just have to take her word for it.如果她说自己病了,那你也只有相信她的话。

摘 要:如何保证复习课堂的有效性,为学生搭建起一个清晰的知识框架是每一位教师都应该思考的问题。本文以译林版《牛津高中英语》的教学为例,从课程资源整合的视角出发,探讨以话题为主线的高中英语复习课的有效模式。  关键词:高中英语;话题;主线;复习课;课程资源整合  本文以译林版《牛津高中英语》的教学为例,从课程资源整合的视角出发,探讨以话题为主线的高中英语复习课的有效模式。根据本文的研究,在实际的高中
摘 要:词汇教学一直是高中英语课堂的重中之重,但是同时词汇学习也是困扰中国学生英语学习的难题,不少学生对词汇学习谈虎色变。本文分析了学生词汇学习的“三座大山”,并探讨了一些关于词汇教学的新尝试。  关键词:高中英语;词汇难点;词汇教学  1.引言  英语教师的角色是多重的,笔者认为,一名优秀的英语教师必然会是一名优秀的设计师,而学生则需要经历从搬砖工、砌墙工、粉刷工等再到建筑师或者工程师的过程。英
摘 要:小学英语复习中有重复教学、反复练习、题海战术复习的倾向,这样的复习课的只会让学生觉得枯燥乏味。本文以小学六年级的复习课为例,探讨如何在复习课中做到复习形式多样化,让学生主动参与复习,突破题海战术。  关键词:小学英语;复习课  1.引言  小学英语复习课是小学英语教学的重要环节,是对一个单元或一课教学内容的巩固和加深理解的课型。但长期以来,小学英语教学中对于复习课的设计一直缺乏规划和精心设
“女汉子”这一词很早就有,是由名模兼主持人李艾在新浪微博发起的“女汉子的自我修养”这一话题引起的,通常是用来形容那些性别为女性但格外坚强的姑娘。适用于有以下性格特点的女生:她们不爱撒娇,性格独立,追求自我;不喜欢化妆,热爱自然美;异性缘不错,与男生称兄道弟;不会向小小的瓶盖屈服,以自己之力服人,不愿随意求助人;自尊、自立、自爱。亲们,你们身边是否也有几个这样可爱的“女汉子”呢?  她既坚强又独立。
安乐死是一种给予患有不治之症的人以无痛楚或更严谨而言,“尽量减小痛楚的”致死的行为或措施。在中国它的定义是患不治之症的病人在垂危状态下,由于精神和躯体的极端痛苦,在病人和其亲友的要求下,经医生认可,用人道方法使病人在无痛苦状态中结束生命过程。  目前,积极安乐死只在荷兰和比利时合法。世界上第一个将积极安乐死合法化的国家是荷兰,比利时则紧随其后。瑞士和美国俄勒冈州的法律则允许间接或消极安乐死。  安
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T oday, when you are about to board an American airliner, you have to prepare for two possibilities: one, the overhead bin above your seat is full and you have to stow[装载] your carry-on bag elsewhere.
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Brian: Getting a job is impossible these days!  Millie: I know what you mean! I heard some 1)figures the other day that the employment rate for college grads in Beijing is down to 33.6%.  Brian: And i