China—ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Has Been Initiated

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  TPP, TIPP and RCEP are trying to break the deadlock of Doha round negotiations before the volatility of global trade, at a time when China-ASEAN cooperation is at a critical period where the bilateral economic cooperation booms while the comprehensive cooperation between ASEAN and China faces challenges.
  It is also an important stage that is in need of a symbolic project to inject new vigor and vitality into the Belt and Road Initiative and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Therefore, with ten years of unremitting efforts, the achievements registered once again by Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation (PBGEC) have emerged at the historic moment -- on May 26, 2016, the 1st China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network Work Conference set up Chinese Secretariat and a batch of base projects, and Methods and Vision and Actions of the China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network were discussed.
  This Work Conference held in Guangxi of China where the “Golden Decade” of China-ASEAN cooperation was heralded, has marked the official presence of the first specialized organization and the first cooperation project for Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation.
  The forerunner of PBGEC
  Under the proposal of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the Declaration on China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network Forum was jointly adopted by mayors of port cities from China and ASEAN countries and other parties concerned at the 10th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit on September 3, 2013. China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network (hereinafter referred to as the Cooperation Network) was formally set up, marking the birth of a leading organization of PBGEC.
  With the grand and clear ambition, the Cooperation Network is committed to carrying out the consensus of “Constructing Maritime Connectivity Network” and “Developing Maritime Pragmatic Cooperation” reached by leaders of China and ASEAN, pushing ahead with in-depth cooperation on mutual navigation, port construction, port industry, sister cities, maritime exchanges and cultural tourism, etc., driving the construction of the wide-ranging cooperation circles of shipping & logistics, ports, industrial parks, tourism, accessible cooperation and friendly cities, and taking the lead in making breakthroughs on port & port cities cooperation under the framework of China-ASEAN cooperation.
  According to the consensus reached on the Forum, all parties concerned have proactively boosted in the construction of the Cooperation Network for the past two years: Chinese government has spared no effort in advancing the construction of Guangxi Beibu Gulf’s projects; China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund has sponsored 60 million yuan; the government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has supported 30 million yuan; and the local enterprises has contributed 70 million yuan to support seven projects centered on navigation opening, shipping supporting services, China-ASEAN Port Logistics Information Center, and cooperation mechanism.   With concerted efforts of the two sides, 10 new shipping routes have been opened, the construction of China-ASEAN Port Logistics Information Center completed, the cooperation mechanism successively built, and other projects serving for Pan-Beibu Gulf Region, like maritime search and rescue sub-center, maritime meteorological monitoring and alert center, shipping training and maritime arbitration, launched. And media reporters from China, ASEAN and other countries witnessed the official launches of these projects on May 27, 2016.
  The Work Conference has initiated China-ASEAN maritime cooperation
  Along with the construction of the first batch of projects and more sophisticated researches in the past two years, China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network has initiated its agenda and overall operation with a well-thought-out plan: the 1st China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network Work Conference was held in Nanning, Guangxi on May 26, 2016.
  Participants included high-level officials, representatives from port cities, port operators and international leading shipping enterprises of China and ASEAN countries. At the conference, Methods for China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network and Vision and Actions on China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network were fully discussed. In addition, a batch of port management departments and operating enterprises agreed on these two documents and became full members of China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network.
  With positive responses from representatives present at the conference, the Cooperation Network will reduce the logistics costs between China and ASEAN, enhance economic effectiveness, strengthen regional competiveness and boost China-ASEAN comprehensive in-depth cooperation.
  Furthermore, the Chinese Secretariat of the Cooperation Network was established in China, marking the official presence of the international organization. And the contents of cooperation have also expanded from navigation opening to other fields. Therefore, the Cooperation Network has served as a bridge between ASEAN and China in maritime cooperation, standing on the Pan-Beibu Gulf.
2016年6月3日,中国国家主席习近平会见了访问中国的柬埔寨国王诺罗敦·西哈莫尼,双方同意共同推动中柬全面战略合作伙伴关系不断向前发展。“高层交往,对中柬两国关系的发展起到非常重要的引领作用。”中国驻柬埔寨大使馆政务参赞檀勍生在接受本刊记者采访时说。  柬埔寨经济现状  据国际货币基金组织和亚洲银行预测,2016年柬埔寨GDP将保持7~7.2%的高速增长。那么,柬埔寨的经济发展潜力究竟如何?  “
宽阔的工地内,几座高高耸立的厂房管线纵横,钢架密布,工人们正在高空进行焊接作业,机房内技术人员也正在屏气凝神检测数据。近日,当记者走进钦州港经济技术开发区国投钦州电厂二期项目的施工现场时,看到一派繁忙的景象。  而在十几年前这里还只是一片滩涂,如今,乘着北部湾经济区开放开发的东风,钦州港经济技术开发区一天填海造地40亩,7天盖起一层楼,并已基本形成了以石化、装备制造2个千亿元产业和能源、造纸、冶金
渭公河流域的热带雨林辽阔、富饶,养育了丰富的物种。在越南和老挝的分界山岭长山山脉的南部,丛林茂密,终日无晴,在这里,先后发现了巨鹮(huan)、中南大羚等珍稀物种。而在长山山脉北部,干、湿两季分明,是大中型猛兽的理想家园。  尽管老挝生物学家詹他维(Chanthavy)把长山山脉比喻成中南半岛上的“最后一片净土”。但在过去的20年里,老挝境内的森林正以每年5万公顷的速度消失,来自外国的木材公司从没
2016年7月1日,在日历上只不过是一个普通的日子,但对于柬埔寨来说,却是具有里程碑意义的一天。这一天,世界银行宣布,从2016年7月1日起,柬埔寨正式脱离最不发达国家(LDC)行列,上升为中等偏下收入国家。  中国古语有云“周虽旧邦,其命维新。”虽然历史上柬埔寨曾经历动荡频繁的时代,但自上个世纪90年代和平发展后,柬埔寨国内政局日趋稳定,推行一系列经济改革措施,使其经济得到迅猛发展。据世界银行发
On the ancient Silk Road over 2,000 years ago, camels were seen as a means of transporting a majority of goods, while their role now has been replaced by fully-loaded trains. To date, there are three
从花园城市新加坡到海岛沙滩迷人的马来西亚,再到佛教之国泰国,“新马泰”这条旅游线路从20世纪90年代开始兴起,是中国最早的出境游线路之一。在其起伏的发展过程中,“新马泰”既经历过炙手可热的鼎盛时期,也正面临着市场锐减的蛰伏期。  “寒冬”之下,中国—东盟自贸区升级版谈判成果文件的签署,对包括旅行社、旅游经营者在内的内容做出改进承诺,犹如一阵春风,给“新马泰”带来一丝暖意。而如何把握好中国—东盟服务
经济走廊的建设离不开交通走廊的构建。对于南新经济走廊的建设来说,构建一条完善、通畅的南宁至新加坡的交通走廊以增强南新经济走廊沿线地区国家的经济联系和贸易往来,十分重要。  作为中南半岛上唯一与中国广西相接壤的国家,越南在与中国共同推动南新经济走廊的合作中,占有重要一席。并且,纵观整条南新经济走廊,构建中越交通走廊也尤为重要,是打通整条南新交通走廊的重要一环。  近年来,越南高度重视国内道路交通发展
On 17 June 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the opening ceremony of the ASEAN-China Forum of Youth and Humanities in Changchun, Jilin Province. The