Chongqing—Guangxi—Singapore “Southward Passageway”:An Access for Trains Heading Towards the Outside

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  On the ancient Silk Road over 2,000 years ago, camels were seen as a means of transporting a majority of goods, while their role now has been replaced by fully-loaded trains. To date, there are three bridges linking Asia and Europe that have been set up for 3,000 regular trains, which pass through nearly 60 cities.
  Six years ago, Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway Line (CXERL), the first of its kind connecting China with European countries, was opened in Chongqing, China. Now, it ranks first in terms of the number of regular trains — more than 1,000 — travelling along the route. With China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity (CSCDISC) launched, Chongqing is energetically attempting to build a southward passageway — namely, Chongqing-Guangxi-Singapore Southward Passageway (CGSSP) — an extended part of CXERL, which leads to Singapore from Chongqing.
  Sharing a common goal
  Starting from Chongqing, China, the westward CXERL passes through Xinjiang’s Alataw Pass, a border site in northwest China, and eventually reaches Duisburg, Germany. Throughout the journey, mutual recognition has been realized in terms of customs clearance and supervision, and so has information sharing; meanwhile, once-for-all service applies to declaration, inspection and customs clearance. Since 2011, the number of regular trains travelling along the route accounted for nearly 45% of the total.
  With the Belt and Road Initiative proposed in 2013, it is imperative to enhance connectivity between China and countries along the route. In such a circumstance, Chongqing, as a junction between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Zone, focuses more on building itself into an international logistics hub and an important inland port in China and on strengthening its presence in ASEAN countries. In 2015, for instance, CSCDISC — the third inter-governmental project initiated by Singapore and China — was officially implemented in Chongqing, contributing to the construction of the southward passageway.
  After completing a “Four-hour Circle of Transportation” fusing railway and air routes, Chongqing has shifted its focus to railway transportation, which is considered more stable and affordable than air transportation. Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (GBGEZ) — adjacent to ASEAN — is the nearest access to the sea in southwest China, so it is regarded as an excellent place for Chongqing to connect itself with Singapore. Virtually, not only does building the passageway dovetail with Guangxi’s three development orientations — to be an international access towards ASEAN, a new strategic fulcrum to bolster the opening-up and development of southwestern and south-central China and a crucial gateway to make the Belt and Road organically linked — granted by the state, but also it is an integral requirement for upgrading the opening-up and development of GBGEZ.   Furthermore, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that Guangxi should be committed to constructing ports in Beibu Gulf and to developing maritime economy on a facts-finding visit to Guangxi in April 2017. To reach this goal, we should strive to optimize the allocation of resources by highlighting marine industry, integrating sea-based and air-based routes and engaging with regions in the hinterland of China.
  As for Singapore, an international shipping center, building a more efficient, diversified and open integrated transport system would evidently boost its economic development. It is a common goal for Chongqing, Guangxi and Singapore to build the passageway, thus making new breakthroughs in advancing the project.
  A passageway with multiple dimensions
  On May 10, 2017, the first regular train travelling along CGSSP, loaded with cargoes like high-grade household paper and motorcycle produced in Chongqing, was put into its trial operation. It took nearly 48 hours to travel from Chongqing to Qinzhou Port East Railway Station in Guangxi. With the customs clearance procedure completed, the train continued to steer for its destination — Singapore. As a matter of fact, the first train from Qinzhou to Chongqing had been put into trial run on April 28, 2017. Under the coordination of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Guangxi Qinzhou Free Trade Port Area, it takes only four days to complete the export formalities of cargoes from Chongqing. Chongqing, Guangxi and Singapore, according to the plan, will set up a joint venture to accelerate the building of an integrated logistics information system, so as to ensure that trains travelling along the passageway can run officially soon.
  Zhang Xiaoqin, deputy governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, indicated that Guangxi, Chongqing and Singapore have reached a consensus on CGSSP, collectively signing a cooperation framework agreement on April 28, 2017, the contents of which are involved in the regular trains loaded with containers from Chongqing to Guangxi’s Beibu Gulf Port and eventually to Singapore, the highway freight transportation route linking China and the Indo-China Peninsula, the cooperation in air logistics, and so on. Moreover, on May 18, 2017, Pingxiang Integrated Free Trade Zone, located in GBGEZ, signed a framework agreement with Chongqing Highway Transportation Group, which is aimed at building a southward logistics route linking Chongqing, Pingxiang and ASEAN.   Han Changbao, director of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Authority, stated that, under the Belt and Road Initiative, the passageway should be a concept of multiple dimensions, which not only includes railway, highway and so on, but also involves various routes and a diversified portfolio of transportation means.
  A transportation system of trains and container liners
  Guangxi Beibu Gulf Port has established marine transportation ties with 47 ports in seven ASEAN countries, and its regular foreign trade liners loaded with containers are sailing along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
  As the construction of CGSSP advances, the traditional transportation route from Chongqing to ASEAN will be changed. The CXERL connects to the Silk Road Economic Belt in the north while the CGSSP leads to the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road as well as the Indo-China Peninsula in the south, making the Belt and Road linked with the Yangtze River Economic Zone and powering the development and opening-up of and the synergy of China’s western regions.
  Chongqing is a significant city in western China and a transportation hub of the route. Li Jing, dean of the School of Economics, Chongqing Technology and Business University, believed that opening CGSSP indicates that Chongqing will blaze a new trail of “going global”, and will change its role as a shipping center on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River into an inland international logistics hub.
  Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, noted that the most convenient access to the sea is located in Beibu Gulf, and that it will be significant for Guangxi’s inclusion into the Belt and Road construction and for the exchanges and cooperation with Singapore to make CGSSP linked with its northern and southern destinations; besides, boasting resources required by land and sea routes, GBGEZ will embrace a new round of opening-up and development, and it will be considerably boosted to develop maritime economy.
  When stepping up the opening-up and development of China’s western regions and making CGSSP a demonstration project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the existing route of transporting Southeastern cargoes will be gradually changed. Malaysia’s coffee, for example, can be shipped from Singapore to Qinzhou Port, allocated northwards to China’s Yunnan, Chongqing and Sichuan, and then delivered via the Alataw Pass to Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan along the CXERL, according to Teo Siong Seng, managing director of PIL-Pacific International Lines.
传承25载对话精神,共享13届东博商机。2016年7月19日,在2016年第13届中国—东盟博览会举办前夕,中国国务院新闻办公室召开了新闻发布会,就中国与东盟经贸合作的情况以及第13届中国—东盟博览会、商务与投资峰会亮点和筹备进展进行了介绍。成功举办12年来,东博会取得了哪些积极的成果?在即将拉开帷幕的第13届东博会上,又有哪些值得期待的新看点?  中国—东盟博览会和商务与投资峰会已成为中国—东盟
2015年美国商务部正式发布了对华乘用及轻卡轮胎反倾销及反补贴税令,相关中国厂商被征收14.35~87.99%的反倾销税和20.73~100.77%的反补贴税;在美国的“双反”政策下,中国轮胎出口受阻,轮胎行业遭受了巨大损失。那么行业“寒冬”之下,中国轮胎企业又该如何寻求出路呢?  “走出去”,突破“双反”  中国橡胶工业协会橡胶机械专业委员会秘书长陈维芳表示,中国橡胶机械行业现进入“冬天”,中国
这是世界贸易格局改变的前夜——TPP、TIPP、RCEP正在试图打破多哈回合谈判的僵局。  这是中国—东盟合作的关键期——经济合作的势如破竹和全面合作的考验交织在一起,需要更多积极有效的力量催化增能。  这是“一带一路”发布《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》之后,迫切需要标志性的项目来激扬全局,需要在21世纪海上丝绸之路上搭一座“海上桥梁”。  此时,磨剑十年的泛北部湾经
游走于泰国的大街小巷,穿梭于车水马龙的水泥丛林里感受泰国风情的时候,我们会看到一些银行大楼、企业大厦的上方装饰着一只金翅膀的神鸟——大鹏金翅鸟。老一代华侨称之为“王家鸟”,它的来源具有浓厚的宗教色彩;它是泰国国王的象征,也是泰王国的国徽,在泰国具有崇高的地位。但是,私自在办公场地挂起金翅鸟,则是非法的。  根据泰国素可泰王朝《鑾王三界说》的记载:须弥山是宇宙的中心,统管天上人间的帝释天尊就住在山顶
隔海相望的中马“两国双园”——中马钦州产业园区与马中关丹产业园区——是中国与马来西亚之间开展的一项具有里程碑意义的合作。在地理上相距2000多公里之遥的“两国双园”之所以如此特别,是因为两个产业园区之间存在的友好关系,而不断深化与完善这两个园区之间的协同发展机制,对落实和发展“两国双园”合作模式,具有无可替代的重要作用。  通过2016年5月30日~6月1日的一次访问,广西代表团与马来西亚的合作伙
中关村位于北京,是中国第一个国家自主创新示范区,也是中国高科技产业中心,被誉为“中国的硅谷”。2014年12月,中国国务院计划在更大范围推广中关村试点政策、加快推进国家自主创新示范区建设,进一步激励大众创业、万众创新。在此背景下,2015年12月,南宁市与中关村管委会、中关村发展集团签订了合作框架协议,启动了南宁·中关村双创示范基地建设。  2016年7月24日,中关村设立的中国国内首个双创示范基
2016年6月3日,中国国家主席习近平会见了访问中国的柬埔寨国王诺罗敦·西哈莫尼,双方同意共同推动中柬全面战略合作伙伴关系不断向前发展。“高层交往,对中柬两国关系的发展起到非常重要的引领作用。”中国驻柬埔寨大使馆政务参赞檀勍生在接受本刊记者采访时说。  柬埔寨经济现状  据国际货币基金组织和亚洲银行预测,2016年柬埔寨GDP将保持7~7.2%的高速增长。那么,柬埔寨的经济发展潜力究竟如何?  “
宽阔的工地内,几座高高耸立的厂房管线纵横,钢架密布,工人们正在高空进行焊接作业,机房内技术人员也正在屏气凝神检测数据。近日,当记者走进钦州港经济技术开发区国投钦州电厂二期项目的施工现场时,看到一派繁忙的景象。  而在十几年前这里还只是一片滩涂,如今,乘着北部湾经济区开放开发的东风,钦州港经济技术开发区一天填海造地40亩,7天盖起一层楼,并已基本形成了以石化、装备制造2个千亿元产业和能源、造纸、冶金
渭公河流域的热带雨林辽阔、富饶,养育了丰富的物种。在越南和老挝的分界山岭长山山脉的南部,丛林茂密,终日无晴,在这里,先后发现了巨鹮(huan)、中南大羚等珍稀物种。而在长山山脉北部,干、湿两季分明,是大中型猛兽的理想家园。  尽管老挝生物学家詹他维(Chanthavy)把长山山脉比喻成中南半岛上的“最后一片净土”。但在过去的20年里,老挝境内的森林正以每年5万公顷的速度消失,来自外国的木材公司从没
2016年7月1日,在日历上只不过是一个普通的日子,但对于柬埔寨来说,却是具有里程碑意义的一天。这一天,世界银行宣布,从2016年7月1日起,柬埔寨正式脱离最不发达国家(LDC)行列,上升为中等偏下收入国家。  中国古语有云“周虽旧邦,其命维新。”虽然历史上柬埔寨曾经历动荡频繁的时代,但自上个世纪90年代和平发展后,柬埔寨国内政局日趋稳定,推行一系列经济改革措施,使其经济得到迅猛发展。据世界银行发