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急性再生障碍性贫血(AAA)病情急剧,国内除少数病例作骨髓移植外,目前使用抗人胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)治疗也只有约30%的病例基本治愈或缓解。我院用胚胎胸腺皮下包埋的方法基本治愈1例,现报告如下。患者,男,31岁。乏力、发热并皮肤紫瘢半月于1986年6月27日入院;既往曾服氯霉素及去痛片。体检见牙龈溢血,肝、脾及残淋巴结不大。化验见全血细胞下降,骨髓增生减低,未见巨核细胞。予雄激素、止血剂、抗生素及输血1000ml治疗10天,症状缓解自动出院。半月后高热、腹痛及大量便血再次入院;T38.5℃,全腹压痛、反跳痛及肌紧张;全血细胞减低更著,胸骨骨髓增生明显减低。予输血及抗生素治疗控制腹膜炎及肠出血后于首次入院第35天行胚胎胸腺包埋(方法:妊娠12~16周胚胎,水囊引产娩出后,在无菌条件下摘取胸腺并清洗,立即包埋于下腹皮下)。3周后 Acute aplastic anemia (AAA) is in a drastic condition. Except for a few cases of bone marrow transplantation in China, only about 30% of patients treated with anti-human thymocyte globulin (ATG) are basically cured or relieved. In our hospital with embryonic thymus subcutaneous embedding method basically cured in 1 case, are as follows. Patient, male, 31 years old. Mild, fever and skin scarring on June 27, 1986 admission; previously served chloramphenicol and painkiller tablets. Physical examination see gingival hemorrhage, liver, spleen and residual lymph nodes is not large. Chemotherapy showed decreased whole blood cells, bone marrow hyperplasia decreased, no megakaryocytes. To give androgen, hemostatic agents, antibiotics and blood transfusion 1000ml treatment for 10 days, relieve symptoms automatically discharged. Half a month after the fever, abdominal pain and a large number of recurrent admission to the blood in the stool; T38.5 ℃, total abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness and muscle tension; more pancytopenia, sternal bone marrow hyperplasia was significantly reduced. Blood transfusion and antibiotics were administered to control the peritonitis and intestinal hemorrhage. Embryonic thymus embedding was performed on the 35th day of the first hospitalization (Methods: Embryos of 12 to 16 weeks of gestation were taken out of the abdominis and the thymus was removed under aseptic conditions and immediately cleaned Embedding in the lower abdomen subcutaneous). After 3 weeks
目的原核表达日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)潜在的药物靶点β-碳酸酐酶(β-CA)并测定其催化活性。方法根据β-CA保守序列,在日本血吸虫基因组中鉴定β-CA序列,核酸序列
目的 观察云南省水利血防沟道治理工程灭螺效果,为科学评价水利血防工程控制钉螺扩散提供依据.方法 2009-2011年对云南省大理市和永胜县国家级血吸虫病监测点水利血防沟道治
目的 研究性别对日本血吸虫感染过程中滤泡辅助性T(Tfh)细胞的数量和功能的影响.方法 选择安徽省池州市血吸虫病流行区的血吸虫病患者50例,以及来自该市非流行区的健康对照50
目的 评价5种重金属暴露对秀丽线虫的生物毒性效应.方法 以秀丽线虫、重金属等为关键词检索PubMed、Web of Science、EBSCO、中国知网、万方等国内外数据库,检索时间为2004-0
目的探索湖北省血吸虫病流行区初中生防护行为自我效能对其接触疫水行为的影响。方法在湖北省血吸虫病传播控制区和疫情控制区,通过整群随机抽样抽取3 204名初中生进行问卷调
目的制备抗日本血吸虫可溶性虫卵抗原(Soluble egg antigen,SEA)鸡卵黄免疫球蛋白(Egg yolk immunoglobulin,Ig Y),探讨其应用于血吸虫病流行区查病的可行性。方法在血吸虫病