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日本大阪高等法院9月30日就台湾原住民控告日本首相小泉纯一郎参拜靖国神社诉讼案做出二审判决,认定小泉参拜“相当于规定政教分离的宪法所禁止的宗教活动”,属于公职行为,违反宪法。但原告的赔偿请求同一审判决一样被驳回。据报道,这是围绕控告小泉参拜靖国神社一系列诉讼案中 On 30 September, the Osaka High Court of Japan made the second instance verdict on Taiwan’s aborigines suing Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi for his visit to the Yasukuni Shrine. They held that his visit to Japan “is equivalent to religious activities prohibited by the Constitution that separates the state from the religious sect.” It is a public service. Violation of the constitution. However, the plaintiff’s claim for compensation was rejected in the same trial. It is reported that this is around a series of lawsuits that sued Koizumi for his visit to the Yasukuni Shrine
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求函数极值是中学数学的重要内容之一,也是用数学解决实际问题时,经常遇到的一个课题。下面就现行中学数学教材的内容,谈谈求函数极值的几种方法。 Finding the function extre