让游戏手机更加完美 教你升级N-Gage QD最新固件

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诺基亚N-Gage QD无疑是一款炙手可热的手机,去年12月正式上市时其价格为2350元,现在已经下降到1600元左右,而水货的价格 更是逼近1300元,加上N-Gage QD采用S60界面的智能操作系统,并对游戏功能进行了专门优化,可以说N-Gage QD是目前性价比最 高的手机之一了。不过N-Gage QD的屏幕表现和一些内置程序因为手机的软件版本不同而出现了一些问题,最明显的就是3.15版本的N- Gage QD存在严重的色斑致使很多功能不能正常的显示。之后的4.00作了相应的改进,但是屏幕显示效果依然不理想,色彩过于浓重,饱 和度过高,亮度表现也不是很好。 Nokia N-Gage QD is undoubtedly a hot mobile phone, when it was officially listed in December last year, the price of 2,350 yuan, has now dropped to 1,600 yuan, while the parallel import price is approaching 1,300 yuan, coupled with the N-Gage QD S60 smart interface operating system, and game features have been specifically optimized, it can be said that N-Gage QD is currently one of the most cost-effective mobile phone. However, the screen performance of the N-Gage QD and some built-in programs have some problems due to the software version of the phone. The most obvious is that the 3.15 version of the N-Gage QD has severe color spots that make it impossible for many features to display properly. After the 4.00 made the appropriate improvements, but the screen display is still not satisfactory, the color is too strong, too high saturation, the brightness performance is not very good.
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