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基于对《档案法》有关档案公布问题的研究分析,提出三点疑问:开放的档案为何不能公布、公布权与利用权为何相分离、引用权与公布权并存有何意义。探讨档案公布与开放、公布与利用、公布与引用之间的关系。联系实际,就《档案法》有关档案公布权的不完善之处进行分析研究,探寻原因,就此得出结论,即实行开放、利用、公布合一的模式。 Based on the research and analysis on the archives of the “Archives Law”, three questions are raised: why the open archives can not be published, why the publication rights and the usufruct are separated, and what is the meaning of the coexistence of the right of reference and the right of publication. Discusses the relationship between publication and publication, publication and utilization, publication and quotation. In accordance with the actual situation, we analyze and analyze the imperfections of the Archives Law on the archives publishing right of the Archives Law and probe into the reasons. We conclude that the mode of opening up, utilizing and promulgating the unification should be adopted.
青藏铁路K720+287-K752+657段穿越察尔汗盐湖,用岩盐填筑的30余公里盐湖路基,创造了 Qinghai-Tibet Railway K720 +287-K752 +657 section through Chaerhan Salt Lake, ro
清莹:博士先生,还有两个月就要高考了,可是最近我老提不起精神,上课也时常走神,总觉得身体不能承受高考的重负,有时我真想放弃。博士先生,您看这是怎么了? 博士:谢谢您对我
近几年的中考中,决策型应用题方兴未艾,层出不穷,解答这类问题的一般步骤是: In the mid-term exams of recent years, decision-making applications have been in the ascenda
Mr Brown had a daughter who was one yearold.Mr Li had a son who was two years old.Theythought that it would be a good thing for theirchiIdren to marry each oth