都是竞争惹的祸 三点导读

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美点赏析《都是竞争惹的祸》的美点来自其思想的光辉:这篇小说,以形象的方式,活泼的语言,人性的关怀,精悍的篇幅烛照出现代人性圆周上恶的轨迹——攀比陋习与心 The beauty of appreciation of “The Misfortunes of Competition” comes from the brilliance of its thoughts: In this novel, the path of evil on the circumference of modern humanity is illuminated by the image, the lively language, the care of human nature, and the meticulous space. - Comparisons and habits
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滨海新区的人们并没有感觉这天的傍晚有什么异样,瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空上那原本白雪样的云朵被落日的余晖染红了,座落在第六大道的祥和小区的楼宇也披上了耀眼的金光。  郝婶推着六个月大的宝贝孙子坐着的婴儿车,踏着祥和安宁的林荫小路,哼唱着带有明显二人转味儿的摇篮曲,悠闲地从小区中心花园往回返,迎面遇见了同在18号楼22层挨门住的林婶。  林婶是郝婶从东北来儿子这儿没多久认识的。俩人都是东北人,还都是五十出头刚退
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记得小学三年级,一节语文课,一位女老师来听课。因为我个子高,坐在最后排,女老师就坐在我身边。这位女老师高挑美丽,衣着素雅,似有暗香,貌若天仙,我 I remember the third g
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1.If you think you’re fat,you probably are. Don’t ask us. 2.Learn to work the toilet seat;if it’s up,put it down. 3.Sometimes,we’re not thinking about you.L
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