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继承坚持和丰富发展邓小平理论,是江泽民同志和以他为核心的第三代领导集体作出的重大贡献。它主要表现在三个方面:确立邓小平理论的指导地位,用邓小平理论武装全党和全国人民;创造性运用和贯彻邓小平理论,把有中国特色社会主义现代化建设推进到一个新阶段;根据时代和实践的发展,丰富和发展了邓小平理论。这种丰富和发展是全面的,表现在对现实国情的认识、建设目标和大政方针、社会主义所有制理论、经济体制改革、经济发展、民主政治建设、文化建设、外交政策、军队、国防建设和推进祖国和平统一、党的建设以及民族团结、宗教政策等各个方面,并且总起来是属于邓小平理论这个阶段的。这是党中央集体和全党智慧的结晶,江泽民同志在其中作出了突出贡献,是主要代表。 To inherit and enrich Deng Xiaoping’s theory is a great contribution made by Comrade Jiang Zemin and the third generation of the third generation of leading collectives with him as the core. It is mainly manifested in three aspects: establishing the guiding position of Deng Xiaoping Theory, arming the entire party and the people throughout the country with Deng Xiaoping Theory; creatively applying and implementing Deng Xiaoping Theory and pushing for the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics to a new stage; and according to the times and practices Development, enriching and developing Deng Xiaoping Theory. This enrichment and development are comprehensive. They are manifested in their understanding of the actual conditions of the country, their construction goals and major policies, the theory of socialist ownership, the reform of economic systems, economic development, democratic political construction, cultural construction, foreign policy, the military, national defense construction and Promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland, the party’s construction as well as all aspects of national unity and religious policies, and always belong to this stage of Deng Xiaoping Theory. This is the crystallization of the collective and party wisdom of the party Central Committee. Comrade Jiang Zemin has made outstanding contributions in that and is the main representative.
张闻天在苏联于 2 0世纪 2 0年代末写作的《哲学战线上的当前分歧和马克思主义方法论的任务》这篇哲学论文中 ,对否定马克思主义哲学的机械论者进行了批驳 ,从而捍卫了马克思
本文深入探讨了邓小平理论中的伦理道德观。阐释了邓小平伦理道德观的三个层面 ,据此认为邓小平伦理道德观的最大特色在于强烈的实践性和浓郁的时代感及可操作性。 This art
国家与所有权之间存在着持久的冲突 ,它们之间很难直接博弈 ,从而使双方调整策略 ,实现二者的一致。中国在处理国家与所有权冲突的过程中 ,采用了一种既完全不同于西方“市民