Low Complexity Multiuser Detection with Recursively Successive Zero-Forcing and SIC Based on Nullspa

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To improve the spectrum efficiency, this paper considers the multiuser detection with the MU-MIMO technology for multiuser MIMO-OFDM system uplink with the same subcarrier shared by multiple users. A low complexity multiuser detection algorithm with recursively successive zero-forcing and successive interference cancellation(RSZF-SIC) based on nullspace is proposed. The RSZF process based on the block diagonalization(BD) technique eliminates the co-channel interference(CCI) by a recursive method based on the nullspace orthogonal theorem. The SIC process detects the user signals respectively with the reasonable user detection sequence based on the results of the RSZF process. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is effectively reduced by reducing the total number of singular value decomposition(SVD) operations and the dimension of the SVD matrix in the recursive procedure. The performance of the proposed algorithm is improved in terms of bit error rate and sum capacity of the system, especially in the highSNR regime. To improve the spectrum efficiency, this paper considers the multiuser detection with the MU-MIMO technology for multiuser MIMO-OFDM system uplink with the same subcarrier shared by multiple users. A low complexity multiuser detection algorithm with recursively successive zero-forcing and successive interference cancellation (RSZF-SIC) based on nullspace is proposed. The RSZF process based on the block diagonalization (BD) technique eliminates the co-channel interference (CCI) by a recursive method based on the nullspace orthogonal theorem. The SIC process detects the user signals respectively with the reasonable user detection sequence based on the results of the RSZF process. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is reduced by reducing the total number of singular value decomposition (SVD) operations and the dimension of the SVD matrix in the recursive procedure The performance of the proposed algorithm is improved in terms of bit error rate and sum capacity of the system, especially in the highSNR regime.
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