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目的掌握重庆市渝北区麻疹流行病学特征,为制定和调整麻疹的预防控制策略提供科学依据。方法对重庆市渝北区2004~2008年麻疹疫情资料进行流行病学分析。结果重庆市渝北区2004~2008年麻疹发病723例,无死亡,年平均发病率为12.66/10万,流动人口发病255例,占35.27%;麻疹病例男女比例为1.45:1;发病居前两位的职业为散居儿童和学生;≥20岁成人、8月龄~7岁儿童、<8月龄婴儿,分别占21.99%、33.89%、16.74%,发病年龄呈双峰性;对723例麻疹免疫史分析,有麻疹减毒活疫苗免疫史、无免疫史、免疫史不详的分别占20.75%、37.21%、42.04%。结论本地人口发病增多,流动人口MV接种率低,提高MV接种率和加强麻疹监测,才能消除麻疹。 Objective To grasp the epidemiological characteristics of measles in Yubei district of Chongqing and provide a scientific basis for the formulation and adjustment of measles prevention and control strategies. Methods Epidemiological data of measles in Chongqing from 2004 to 2008 were analyzed. Results There were 723 measles cases in Yubei district from 2004 to 2008 without any deaths. The average annual incidence rate was 12.66 / 100 000, with 255 cases of migrant population accounting for 35.27%. The ratio of male to female measles cases was 1.45: 1. The two occupations were diasporas and students; adults ≥ 20 years old, children aged 8 months to 7 years and infants <8 months old accounted for 21.99%, 33.89% and 16.74%, respectively. The age of onset was bimodal; for 723 cases Immunization history of measles, measles live attenuated vaccine immunization history, no history of immunization, unknown history of immunization were 20.75%, 37.21%, 42.04%. Conclusion The increase of local population, low vaccination rate of migrant population, increase of MV vaccination rate and monitoring of measles can eliminate measles.
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