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《轮》,《热风》,《诗草》,同是槟城新报的副刊,但内容却正好相反;在马华新文学低潮期前半期(1932-1934年)的文艺副刊中,《轮》几乎是最富于时代精神的一个,《热风》和《诗草》却是最缺乏生活气息的一对.《热风》是个纯文艺副刊,1934年3月16日创刊,温梓川主编,侧重刊登散文和短篇小说.《诗草》则是个新诗刊,综合发表诗歌创作,诗论,诗人略传等等,1934年4月5日发刊, “Wheel”, “hot air” and “poem grass” are the same as the supplement of the Penang Daily News, but the content is just the opposite. In the literary supplement of the first half of the new period of the Malaysian Chinese Literature (1932-1934) Almost the most abundant spirit of the times, “hot air” and “poetry grass” is the most lack of life style of a pair of “hot air” is a pure literary supplement, founded March 16, 1934, Wen Zichuan editor, focusing on published Prose and short stories. “Poetry grass” is a new poetry publication, a comprehensive published poetry, poetry theory, a brief biography of poets, etc., published in April 5, 1934,
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在烹调菜肴的时候,根据菜肴量来决定调味品的投放量,这其实是一个心理活动的 When cooking dishes, according to the amount of food to determine the amount of condime
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We are gathered here todayto commemorate the greatFrench writer Henore de Balzac.He was born on May 20, 1799and died on August 18, 1850. Itwill be the bicenten
阿宝哭又闹花生米又少了准是爸爸下酒了 Abe cried peanuts and less quasi-father to drink