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爱情肯定是一种能量,至于这种能量是将人往前推还是往后拉,就像核能一样。做成原子弹用到战场上,当然是伤亡惨重:和平时期的核能却是经济而又干净的——只要不发生核泄漏。有一段时期,中国人倾向于将爱情与事业对立。而在中国古代的传统是早婚早育,并没有一定要金榜题名才结婚的说法,至于“匈奴未灭.何以家为”则是特定背景下的爱情事业观。这一点恰巧与大部分拉丁民族的观点相似,他们认为一个人要成家后方知道责任.才算是成熟,反过来家庭的责任又会促进事业的发展。南美的足球选手基本早婚.就是例子。然而几乎人所共知的一点是.除了责任外.爱情总是能够激发人的一部分潜能.拿现役羽坛“第一情侣”林丹和谢杏芳来说,他们在爱情和羽毛球两方面表现出的执著是同一的。羽坛情侣众多,虽然并未对对成功,但是当爱情还在的时候,同行情侣间总是多了一分亲切与理解。 Love is definitely a kind of energy, as the energy is to push people forward or pull back, just like nuclear energy. The use of atomic bombs on the battlefield is, of course, a heavy casualty: nuclear energy in times of peace is economical and clean - as long as nuclear leaks do not occur. For some time, Chinese tended to oppose love and career. However, the ancient tradition in China was early marriage and childbirth, and it was not necessary to get married. The “Huns are not destroyed. Why home is” is a specific background of the concept of love business. This happens to coincide with the views of most Latin peoples, who think it is maturity that one should know the responsibility behind the family and that the responsibility of the family in turn promotes the development of the career. South American football players basic early marriage is an example. However, it is almost common knowledge that love can always inspire some of the potentialities of human beings other than responsibility. Taking the active altar “First Lovers” Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang, they show both love and badminton Persistence is the same. Many badminton couples, although not on the success, but when the love is still, peer lovers always have a more cordial and understanding.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm takes the advantages of online map building without any prior environment information and simultaneously
【摘 要】本文采用文献资料法、测试法、数理统计法、专家访谈法等,以上海市五所民办高校学生体质健康测试数据为研究对象,进行统计分析,结果显示上海市民办高校的学生身体形态方面男生“肥胖率”和女生“营养不良率”较高,大部分学生身体机能水平和身体素质水平均处于勉强“合格”状态。对于这些问题提出合理有效的对策,进行体育教学改革,为今后如何提高民办高校学生体质健康水平提供理论依据和支持。  【关键词】民办高校
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