In summer 1936 I had the pleasure to make two field-reconnaissanceawith Prof.C.L.Camp of the University of California.The aim of ourjourneys was to prospect the big Triassic and Cretaceous formationsfilling the Shansi and Szechuan basins respectively.In spite of theirextension and of their good exposures these two powerful continentalseries had only yielded so far an amazingly small number of vertebratefossils.
In summer 1936 I had the pleasure to make two field-reconnaissanceawith Prof.CLCamp of the University of California. The aim of ourjourneys was to prospect the big Triassic and Cretaceous formationsfilling the Shansi and Szechuan basins respectively. In spite of theirextension and of their good exposures these two power continentalseries had only yielded so far an amazingly small number of vertebratefossils.