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“层像 Layers——大卫 ? 歌诗坦个展”2017 年 4 月 22日至 2017 年 5 月 16 日在北京今日美术馆展出.此次展览共展出大卫 ? 歌诗坦十年来创作的近百件雕塑作品,是这批作品在国内的首次展出,同时也是作家本人首次于中国开办个展.
We adopt the Post Keynesian input-output framework pioneered by Wynne Godley to delve into both the causes and consequences of financialization.The distinction
Differential and absolute ground rent as extraordinary profit that remains permanent due to private ownership of non-reproducible conditions of production (Marx
Marxian economics recognizes productive activities as the nature of the human being,but human beings create other dimensions of activities through ideology,reli
This comment shows that Walras,the central figure among the Neoclassical school founders,describes a comprehensive theory of production,capital and money;hence,
In recent years,in response to a prolonged recession and the exhaustion of conventional monetary policies and to stimulate economic recovery,the major West econ
With the rise of emerging economies,the topic of India catching up with China or the so-called dragon-elephant competition has raised increasing concs in the pa
I am honored to receive the World Marxian Economics Award from the World Association for Political Economy.Marxist economics has two aims,as Marx noted:to under
The foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 marked the realization of a dream strived for by millions of Chinese people over the preceding hundred