High contrast linking six lasers to a 1  GHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb

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We demonstrate a 0.95 GHz repetition rate fully stabilized Yb:fiber frequency comb without optical amplification. Benefitting from the high mode power and high coherence, this comb achieved 35 to 42 dB signal to noise ratio on the direct heterodyne beat signals with at least six continuous wave lasers (at 580, 679, 698, 707, 813, and 922 nm) while keeping
We demonstrate a high power single-frequency fiber laser. By using phosphate glass fiber as its gain media, the laser can achieve high output power of 100 mW in centimeter-long linear cavity. Single-frequency single-polarization operation with
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空间碎片已成为影响在轨航天器安全的重要因素。激光测距对开展空间碎片轨道精确测定、精密编目及监测预警等具有重要作用。根据激光测距雷达方程,分析了不同重复率和功率激光器的激光回波信号探测情况。将200 Hz重复率、50 W功率全固态激光器应用于空间碎片测量,配合低噪声探测器、纳秒控制精度距离门产生器及高效率光谱滤波器等,实现了空间碎片高成功率观测,所测量的目标中最小截面积达0.5 m2、最远距离超过2100 km,表现出良好性能和测量效果。验证了高重复率、低脉冲能量激光器对空间碎片测量可行性,为后续高重复率空
The generation and propagation dynamics of multiple optical vortices hosted in a Gaussian beam are experimentally demonstrated by use of the computer-generated holography. Fluid-like motions of the multi-vortex beam are observed owing to the helical phase
本文报道—台自制的光学投影亚微米量级微细加工用的KrF准分子激光振荡-放大系统,并对其设计和运转性能加以讨论.该系统在200Hz重复率运转时其谱线漂移小于5×10-4 nm,谱线宽度为2.3×10-8 nm,平均功率达24.4W.
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Nested multilayer mirrors are commonly used in X ray telescope structure to increase the collecting area. To balance the difficulty and cost of producing these mirrors, Wolter-I structures are replaced with conical Wolter-I structures, but these can lead