On the New Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Enterprise Archives Pipeline

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  Abstract:Unlike other ordinary archives management, enterprise archives management is a fusion of culture, economy, hardware and software investment information and comprehensive utilization of talents and other aspects of enterprise development.Especially in the management of enterprise engineering management archives, combined with the characteristics of the development of information technology, there are many problems to be solved. The paper is to explore the opportunities and challenges faced by enterprise archives management.
  Key words:Opportunities and Challenges; Enterprise Development; Archives management
  I.The Characteristics of the Archives Management of the Private Economic Development Zone
  Sources of archives in economic development zones multi-economic development zone archives come from economic activities and political activities in various aspects of economic development zones, and there are also a variety of social activities, foreign affairs activities, scientific and technological exchanges and so on that serve the economic construction of economic development zones.The main sources are: Economic Development Zone Economic Management Department; Foreign offices; Domestic and foreign economic zone organizations; Joint ventures; A sole proprietorship; Leasing enterprises; Joint-Stock enterprises; Introduction of technology enterprises; External contacts; Foreign trade and economic cooperation.We should continue to encourage and guide the private sector and other non-public sectors of the economy in order to make it develop healthily.This fully illustrates the important position of private economy in our socialist market economy.At present, private enterprises are scattered all over the world. With the deepening of China's economic system reform, its scale and quantity will continue to expand and increase, and the proportion of private enterprises in the national economy will continue to increase.The administrative departments of archives should change their ideas, turn their attention to private enterprises, and do a good job in archives work in this field.
  II.Challenges in Archives Management
  2.1 Responsibility for the confidentiality of archives
  Undeniably, in the current archives management secrecy work in China, due to the relatively weak awareness of confidentiality among managers and the poor standardization of the archives management system, there are often various cases of file disclosure, which endanger the normal development of the work. Cause a great loss to the enterprise.   2.2 Challenges of Archives Informatization Management
  The informatization of personnel management is based on Internet, many of the carrier files are magnetic media, different from the traditional personnel file management, many methods and procedures as well as the compatibility of standards and rules are too poor.There are also no necessary network security protection measures, so that the security of archival information is not guaranteed.To sum up, archives management in the information age requires not only the strong knowledge and skills of information technology, but also the need to update and optimize archives information on a regular basis.
  2.3 Superelevation requirements for archivists
  It is because of the lack of attention to the management content that many heads of units and infrastructure workers are very negative in carrying out their work.Even some of the workers mistakenly think that the job is actually a summary of the data, and it's not at all to be aware of its value.It is because of the above-mentioned problems that the efficiency of the work will not be high.
  III. Up-to-date opportunities for archival managers at present
  3.1 Good IT support
  The core information of information construction is electronic archives, electronic medical records and other basic information, automatic generation of electronic health information and health mass data for the hospital to provide an important basis for scientific decision-making, big data, cloud computing, Internet of things, The application of new information technology, such as Internet, has been deepened gradually.
  3.2 On the conditions of cultivating archival talents
  Article 8 of China's Archives Law stipulates that "all types of archives at or above the county level are cultural institutions for centralized management of archives," which determines the cultural attributes of archives in the form of laws.The development of archival culture requires the formation of a consensus among the whole society, especially the high attention and support of party committees and governments at all levels, and the formation of a high degree of self-consciousness in the construction of archival culture. Realize that the development of archival culture is an important part of the prosperity of socialist cultural cause and cultural industry.The rise of the cultural upsurge has brought a new opportunity to the transformation of the archival undertaking.   3.3 Convenient archival management platform
  With the development of information technology, the information equipment of archives platform and the corresponding management APP have also appeared in the archives management of enterprises.The greatest convenience is: first of all, the classification of archives, the different files are grouped together according to the corresponding nature. And the file number and the summary information of the content will be reflected in the file attributes of the electronic file, and only need to log on to the administrator account when searching, and retrieve it from the platform immediately;Secondly, the efficiency of the information management platform is obviously better than that of the traditional archives management, for example, the information update and the regular arrangement and upgrading of the archives can be completed on the platform, and the amount of storage is relatively large. This is many economic development zones archives management departments to improve the efficiency of archives management the best optimization model.
  Archives management is related to the harmonious development of national enterprises and institutions, and also to the efficient utilization of talents in economic development.Combined with the complexity and characteristics of enterprise archives pipeline, this paper starts with the opportunities and challenges faced by enterprise archives management in the information age, and points out the direction of enterprise archives management in the future.
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摘 要:语文教学的宗旨是提升学生对于汉语言的应用能力,读写能力作为小学语文重要的基础性技能,其价值体现在学生对知识的理解和对语言的运用上。在进行阅读的过程中,学生必须掌握基本的阅读理解能力,才能自主学习,进而将学习的成果转化为实际的文字表达出来。那么在小学语文教学过程中如何应用读写结合教学法来提升学生的语言能力,也就成为了重点研究方向。  关键词:读写结合;小学语文;教育教学;应用  1 引言  
一、先学后教  在树立了“以生为本”的教学理念后,我们的教学必须翻转,让学生先学,学生学习了,才知道问题出在哪里,我们教师的教才有了指向性.同时,学生先学是自己摸着石头过河的过程,其情感体验和知识获得更为丰富,不同的学生自主学习的过程和获知方法可能还存在着差异,在学生学习的基础上,课堂上交流思路和想法,学生的获得会更多,而且我们通过学生的学,知道了哪些知识点学生是能够自主学习学会的,这些知识点我们
摘 要:良好职业素养是医药类专业学生步入社会参加工作所需要建立的基本素质和能力。中职院校医药类专业教学过程中对学生职业素养的培养需要从日常课程学习中入手,一点一滴扎实积累。职业素养的培养包涵了良好的职业道德,正面积极的职业心态和正确的职业价值观意识,是一个成功职业人必须具备的核心素养。本文将职业素养在中职院校医药类专业教学过程中融合的必要性和重要性为出发点,说明学生职业素养培养内容及方式。希望通过
摘 要:在初中阶段,科学素养既是学生学习的源动力,也是学生后续学习的重要基础,在课堂教学中,教师应依托物理学科的特点,积极开展实践研究,培养学生的科学素养。  关键词:实验教学;科学素养;实践研究  1、抓住兴趣,调动思维,提高学生观察力  演示实验一般是指教师事先准备一些实验器材,在课堂上为学生展示一些趣味性的实验,再引出一些物理概念,得出一些物理规律。俗话说:“良好的开始是成功的一半。”教师精
摘 要:本文基于高职经管类专业法律课程建设,教学过程中存在教学理念严重滞后,缺少科班教师;课程体系和教学内容刻板,缺乏经管专业特色;教学模式陈旧固化,忽略教学的实践性。通过设置有专业特色的课程体系、教学内容,采用多元化创新教学模式,培养自主学习能力,增强理论与实践应用能力,提高法律课程的教学质量。  关键词:经管类专业;法律课程;教学改革  随着国家普法大热潮,法律法规在人们的日常生活中随处可见,
摘 要:有很多学生都比较喜欢用单字母的方式學习英文,他们会将一个完整的单词拆分成一个一个的字母,然后再记忆这些字母排列的顺序。但是随着接触的单词越来越多,孩子们在记忆单词上出现了很多的问题,同时也增加了学生学习英语的难度。本文主要围绕着英语自然拼读在小学英语的重要性进行的探究。  关键词:自然拼读;小学英语;重要性  一、英语自然拼读的概述  英语自然拼读法是结合了心理学、教育学以及儿童学等多门学
摘 要:本文围绕初中化学课堂教学中学困生的学科情感培養问题进行了研究和探讨,概述了初中化学课堂教学的内容,然后分析了目前在学困生情感教学过程中的问题,最后提出了如何更好地帮助学困生建立学科情感,跟上学习的大队伍,旨在不断提高初中化学课堂教学水平,帮助学生们加快提升核心素养。  关键词:初中化学;情感;化学课堂;学困生  1 引言  学困生是班级的重要组成部分,这一部分学生的学习功底较弱,教师必须采
摘 要:本文首先从课程设置和教材这两个角度对当前工程造價管理课程体系进行分析,然后提出工程造价管理”课程教学模式改革实践的主要策略,希望对“工程造价管理”课程教学水平和教学质量的提高有所帮助。  关键词:工程造价管理课程;教学模式;改革;课程体系;措施  1 工程造价课程体系分析  1.1 课程设置分析  目前工程造价课程的教学目标要求学生掌握预算的相关知识、具备一定的管理能力,对施工的整体流程有
摘 要:艺术是培养儿童创造力的重要途径。线型造型教学作为美术教学的重要基础,有利于培养儿童的创造力。本文以分析线型造型教学与儿童创造力培养的现状,有针对性的提出相关的线型造型教育与儿童创造力的培养的优化策略,使线型造型教学更好地为培养儿童创造力服务,促进儿童创造思维和能力的提高。  关键词:线型造型;教学;儿童;创造力  一、引言  随着人们生活水平的提高,教师和家长对儿童美术教育也越来越重视,正
摘 要:随着信息化时代已经来临,伴随着社会的发展和时代的进步,越来越多的“微应用”出现在我们身边,它以时间简短、重点突出的特点,在我们的日常工作、学习中发挥着不可忽视的作用。针对大学英语教学模式的不断探索、改变和创新,教师们也将“微课”融入进英语教学的课堂之中。  关键词:信息化;微课;大学英语  引言  在现代科技和信息高速发展的时代下,教学改革也紧跟时代步伐,教师们在教学模式中寻找新方法、新出