
来源 :岳麓法学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenman
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从现代宪法中资讯公开的基本理论出发,探讨资讯公开在各国的立法实践及基本原则。在此基础之上,重点讨论了我国政务公开实践中有关具体问题。通过对我国政务公开制度的规范分析,指出尽管我国在政务公开领域已经有所发展,但是仍然具有封闭性特征。主要包括政务公开的渠道单一,行政部门和主管部门仍然执掌着政务公开的主动权,没有关注政务公开中公众对政府批评的重要性等方面。据此强调政务公开目标——民主监督,要求现行的政务公开制度应当向新闻自由与公众批评方向发展。 Proceeding from the basic theory of information disclosure in the modern constitution, this paper discusses the legislative practice and basic principles of information disclosure in various countries. On this basis, we focus on the specific issues related to the open practice of government affairs in our country. Through the normative analysis of the open system of government affairs in our country, it points out that although our country has developed in the field of government affairs openness, it still has closed features. Mainly include a single channel of open government affairs, administrative departments and competent departments still in charge of the initiative of government affairs, did not pay attention to public affairs in government public opinion on the importance of government criticism and so on. According to this, the open goal of government affairs - democratic supervision, is demanded, and the current open system of government affairs should be developed towards freedom of the press and public criticism.
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 《广州市城市管理综合执法细则》业经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。第一章总则第一条为加强城市管理,明确综合执法的
改革开放带来了劳动关系的重大变化。 从经济结构的调整到多种经济成分共同发展,从分配关系的多样化到劳动就业的市场化,劳动者在感受到竞业压力的同时,也拥有了前所未有的选
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省委、省人民政府同意省建委《关于处理私房改造遗留问题的意见》,现作为试行稿发给你们,请研究执行。执行的情况和问题,请及时向省建委反映。 Provincial Party Committee
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