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有句老话“人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。”在笔者看来,把人与食物的关系比作钢和铁的关系,未免有点牵强,但它却从一个角度说明了钢铁的重要性。事实上,我们的日常生活是一刻也离不开钢铁了。大到汽车、轮船,小到缝衣针,只有为数不多的物品不是由钢铁制造。钢铁对于国民经济的重要性也由此可见一斑。当然,这种密切的关系也可以追溯到数千年前,中国是最早制造和使用铁器的国家之一。可今天,我们在钢铁行业的优势已经所存不多,欧美和日本等发达国家无论是在工艺制造还是成本控制、销售模式方面都已大大超过了我们。于是,一个沉重的话题摆在了我们面前:钢铁行业作为我国有着数十年历史的传统产业,如何赶上时代潮流,如何搭上信息化的快车,在新的世纪里续写辉煌,让这棵老树发出新枝,并由此枝繁叶茂,开 There is an old saying, “People are iron, rice is steel, and you don’t eat when hungry.” In my opinion, the relationship between people and food is like steel and iron. It is a bit far-fetched, but it is from an angle. Explains the importance of steel. In fact, our daily life is also inseparable from steel at the moment. As large as cars, ships, and sewing needles, only a few items are not made of steel. The importance of steel to the national economy is also evident. Of course, this close relationship can also be traced back thousands of years ago. China was one of the first countries to manufacture and use ironware. Today, our strengths in the steel industry have not been saved, and developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan have greatly surpassed us in terms of process manufacturing, cost control, and sales model. As a result, a heavy topic was placed before us: the steel industry, as a traditional industry with decades of history in China, how to catch up with the trend of the times, how to catch an informational express train, and continue to write brilliant achievements in the new century, let this The old tree sends out new branches, and it grows and flourishes.
日本开发新的机床铸件材料 日本东金属产业公司研制出了一种新的铸件材料,是在铝中添加20%碳化硅的复合材料,可作为精密机床、高速加工机床的床身构件。这种铸件材料质量轻(
新时期的专武干部,在企业应是能带领大家科技攻关的实践者,在农村应是能带领广大群众科技致富的领导者,在训练场应是能科学练兵的组训者, In the new era, the special for
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