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建设部科技局于3月5~7日在中国建筑科学研究院召开了建筑结构设计规范编制和修订工作协调会议,有十本规范修订组负责人出席。在会上汇报的情况表明,除《建筑结构设计统一标准》已于1月1日批准颁发外,其它各本规范的编制或修订工作正在按计划进行;并将陆续进入送审或报批阶段。会议决定:各本规范的送审稿和报批稿均采用国家标准《建筑结构设计通用符号、计量单位和基本术语》规定的新符号、新单位和新术语,并给出新、老计量单位的换算关系;基础底面以上全部结构的静态设计均采用《建筑结构设计统一标 The Ministry of Construction’s Bureau of Science and Technology held a coordination meeting for the preparation and revision of architectural structure design specifications at the China Academy of Building Research from March 5th to 7th. Ten responsible persons of the revision group were present. The situation reported at the meeting indicated that, except for the “Unified Standard for Building Structure Design” that was approved for approval on January 1, the preparation or revision of other specifications was being carried out according to the plan; and it will gradually enter the stage for review or approval. The meeting decided that the new drafts, new units and new terms specified in the national standard “General Symbols, Units of Measurement and Basic Terminology for Architectural Structure Design” and the new and old units of measurement shall be used in the drafts and approvals for each specification. Conversion relationship; the static design of all structures above the base floor adopts the “Unified Design of Building Structure Design”
China’s bismuth market price in the thirdquarter of 1996 has been sliding.By theend of August,it fell to RMB 66,000yuan/tonne from 73,000 yuan/tonne atthe beg
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SHANDONG ALUMINUMSMELTERAlumina production was 254,700 tonnes,accounted for 48.97 of the year plan,up29.2 per cent over the same period of lastyear:primary alu