Review and prospect of transgenic rice research

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Rice is one of the most important crops as the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. Rice improvement has achieved remarkable success in the past half-century, with the yield doubled in most parts of the world and even tripled in certain regions, which has contributed greatly to food security globally. Rapid population growth and economic development pose a constantly increased food requirement. However, rice yield has been hovering in the past decade, which is mainly caused by the absence of novel breeding technologies, reduction of genetic diversity of rice cultivars, and serious yield loss due to increasingly severe occurrences of insects, diseases, and abiotic stresses. To address these challenges, Chinese scientists proposed a novel rice breeding goal of developing Green Super Rice to improve rice varieties and realize the sustainable development of agriculture, by focusing on the following 5 classes of traits: insect and disease resistance, drought-tolerance, nutrient-use efficiency, quality and yield potential. As a modern breeding approach, transgenic strategy will play an important role in realizing the goal of Green Super Rice. Presently, many transgenic studies of rice have been conducted, and most of target traits are consistent with the goal of Green Super Rice. In this paper, we firstly review technical advances of rice transformation, and then outline the main progress in transgenic rice research with respect to the most important traits: insect and disease-resistance, drought-tolerance, nutrient-use efficiency, quality, yield potential and herbicide-tolerance. The prospects of developing transgenic rice are also discussed. Rice is one of the most important crops as the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. Rice improvement has achieved remarkable success in the past half-century, with the yield doubled in most parts of the world and even tripled in certain regions , which has contributed greatly to food security globally. However, rice yield has been hovering in the past decade, which is mainly caused by absence the novel breeding technologies, reduction of genetic diversity of rice cultivars, and serious yield loss due to increasingly severe occurrences of insects, diseases, and abiotic stresses. To address these challenges, Chinese scientists proposed a novel rice breeding goal of developing Green Super Rice to improve rice varieties and realize the sustainable development of agriculture, by focusing on the following 5 classes of traits: insect and disease resistance, drought-tolerance, nutrient-use efficiency, quality and yield potential. As a modern breeding approach, transgenic strategy will play an important role in realizing the goal of Green Super Rice. Presently, many transgenic studies of rice have been conducted, and most of target traits are consistent with the goal of Green Super Rice. In this paper, we first review technical advances of rice transformation, and then outline the main progress in transgenic rice research with respect to the most important traits: insect and disease-resistance, drought-tolerance, nutrient -use efficiency, quality, yield potential and herbicide-tolerance. The prospects of developing transgenic rice are also discussed.
摘要:本文针对很多高职学生在实际工作中往往由于缺乏商务英语口语交际能力而无法顺利开展工作的问题,提出了学生提高商务英语口语能力的方法:在掌握必备的国际贸易基础知识的基础上,通过商务英语套语将商务英语专业术语和词汇与国际贸易知识相结合,利用实践的机会积累丰富的与不同类型的客户交流的实践经验,从而有效地实现交流。  关键词:高职 商务英语口语 国际贸易 套语 实践    一、引言    21世纪,随着
【摘要】文章通过分析我院“计算机应用基础”课程在教学过程中存在的一些问题,从教师和学生两个方面入手,提出了补充更新教学内容、改革教学方法、重视实践教学、增加课时、加强师资队伍建设等几点建议来提高学生的解决问题和实践操作能力。  【关键词】计算机应用基础 教学改革  【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)09-0146-02  目前许多高校都开设了计算机应
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【摘要】2013年起我省高考实行改革,技术课将纳入高考科目。信息技术首次纳入高考,这对于原有的信息技术评价方案必将带来一场变革。中小学生信息技术学业水平评价是一个系统工程,应采用发展性评价,建立评价目标多元、评价方法多样的评价体系,全面考察学生的信息素养。由于地区、条件、观念等的差异,信息技术水平还没有形成一个科学的评价体系。本评价制度改革方案是依据《江西省中小学生综合素质和学业水平评价方案》 以
【摘要】“解决问题”是新课程标准人教版的教材一道亮丽的风景,它一反传流教材应用题的呈现模式,变呆板、枯燥、沉闷为生动、充满生命活力。生动的情景,生活化的语言描述深深地吸引了学生的眼球。但自课改至今,在教学中,还有很多教师对应用题即“解决问题”教学存在疑惑。本文主要就小学数学问题式教学的有关应用进行了探讨与阐述,旨在为提高小学数学课堂教学提供一定的借鉴与参考。  【关键词】小学数学 问题解决式 教学
【摘要】高中物理是一门逻辑性很强的学科,学生普遍反应物理难学,教师要针对学生情况和教学内容,改编传统的教学方式,采取一些新的教学方法来提高学生的积极性和学习效率,本文就新课改下教学方法的创新进行讨论。  【关键词】创新型 转变 高中物理 教学方法  【中图分类号】G633.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)09-0157-02  一、新课程理念下高中物理教学的特点  
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