巩固 完善 提高——实行厂长负责制的成果

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遵照国务院《关于加强工业企业管理若干问题的决定》中的指示:“要有领导、有步骤地完成全民所有制工业企业领导体制的改革。‘七五’期间,企业要在总结试点经验的基础上,普遍推行厂长负责制。”我省冶金系统有34个企业试行了厂长负责制,其中常州冶金机械厂、无锡第三钢铁厂、扬州钢铁厂、南京银矿等单位,在党政工“三加强”、提高厂长经营决策水平和完善经济责任制等内部配套改革方面,取得了突破性进展。经过全面调查和认真总结,我们认为,要使这些已经实行厂长负责制的厂矿所取得的成果能进一步巩固、完善和提高,还必须坚持按照国务院《决定》的精神,上下协 In accordance with the instructions of the State Council’s “Decision on Strengthening Certain Issues Concerning the Management of Industrial Enterprises”, “We must have leadership and step-by-step reforms to complete the leadership system for all people-owned industrial enterprises. During the 7th Five-Year Plan period, companies should base their experience on pilots. The general manager responsibility system has been implemented.” 34 companies in the province’s metallurgical system have tried the director’s responsibility system, including the Changzhou Metallurgical Machinery Plant, the Wuxi No. 3 Iron and Steel Plant, the Yangzhou Iron and Steel Plant, and the Nanjing Silver Mine and other units in the party’s political work. The ”three enhancements“, the improvement of the managerial decision-making level, and the improvement of the economic responsibility system and other internal supporting reforms have achieved breakthroughs. After a thorough investigation and conscientious summary, we believe that in order to further consolidate, improve, and improve the achievements of these factories and mines that have already implemented the system of director responsibility, we must also adhere to the spirit of the ”Decision" of the State Council and up-and-down cooperation.
工人发明家、中国科技大学工人出身的工程师邹德骏研制的 CJ 系列“高效工辅具”(又名“高效工夹具”)已被国家计委、经委列入“七五”期间在全国推广的70项新技术之一,国家
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沈阳电力机械厂研制的 DMZ—1冻煤钻松机产品鉴定会由东北电业管理局主持于1987年2月27日至3月1日在辽宁省清河电厂召开。有关单位领导和工程技术人员共计九十余人参加了会
[《瑞士原子能协会通报》1986年10月第10期第10页报道]日本“动·燃”事业团同加拿大原子能有限公司最近签订了一项合作协议。对在地质层中贮存高放废物共同 [Report of th
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