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抬梁式又称叠梁式是立柱上架梁,梁上又抬梁。使用范围广范,在宫殿、庙宇、等大型建筑中普遍采用,更为皇家建筑群所选,是木制结构建筑的代表,是古代建筑木制结构的主要形式,尤其是在我国北方地区,室内少柱甚至无柱,耗材较多,但会加大室内空间。这种构架的特点是在柱网上或柱顶上的水平铺作,沿房屋进深方向架数层叠架的梁,梁和梁之间的距离逐层缩短,层间垫短柱,最上层梁中间立小柱或三角来支撑,形成三角形屋架,使其牢固。相邻屋架间,在各层梁的两端和最上层梁中间小柱上架檩,檩间架椽,构成双坡顶房屋的空间骨架。房屋里的屋面承重通过椽、檩、梁、柱传到基础。 Lifting beam, also known as stacked beam is the column beam, beam beam again. It is widely used in large buildings such as palaces, temples and other buildings. It is also chosen by more royal buildings. It is a representative of wooden structural buildings and is the main form of wooden structure of ancient buildings. Especially in northern China, Indoor columns or even less columns, supplies more, but will increase the interior space. This structure is characterized by the level of the column network or column roof shop, along the depth direction of the housing frame the number of beams stacked beams, beams and beams between the shortened the distance between the layers, the short cushion between the layers, the middle of the beam Column or triangular pillar to support the formation of triangular roof truss, making it solid. Adjacent roof truss, between the ends of the beams and the middle of the beam on the middle of the beam on the shelves, rafters rafters, constitute a double-sided roof space skeleton. The load-bearing roof in the house passes through the rafters, beams, beams and columns to the foundation.
切线的性质定理:圆的切线垂直于经过 切点的半径. 反证法对于初中阶段学生接受起来比较 困难,不易理解.下面给出另外一种证法. Tangential property theorem: The tangent of a
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陆、海、空模型制作属于国防军体项目之一,是广大少年儿童喜闻乐见既动手又动脑的制作活动。同时,还是进行热爱科学、热爱祖国教育的好形式。 目的任务 一、使学生了解陆上