Rapid and Accurate Sequencing of Enterovirus Genomes Using MinION Nanopore Sequencer

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Objective Knowledge of an enterovirus genome sequence is very important in epidemiological investigation to identify transmission patterns and ascertain the extent of an outbreak.The MinION sequencer is increasingly used to sequence various viral pathogens in many clinical situations because of its long reads,portability,real-time accessibility of sequenced data,and very low initial costs.However,information is lacking on MinION sequencing of enterovirus genomes.Methods In this proof-of-concept study using Enterovirus 71(EV71) and Coxsackievirus A16(CA16) strains as examples,we established an amplicon-based whole genome sequencing method using MinION.We explored the accuracy,minimum sequencing time,discrimination and high-throughput sequencing ability of MinION,and compared its performance with Sanger sequencing.Results Within the first minute(min) of sequencing,the accuracy of MinION was 98.5% for the single EV71 strain and 94.12%-97.33% for 10 genetically-related CA16 strains.In as little as 14 min,99% identity was reached for the single EV71 strain,and in 17 min(on average),99% identity was achieved for 10 CA16 strains in a single run.Conclusion MinION is suitable for whole genome sequencing of enteroviruses with sufficient accuracy and fine discrimination and has the potential as a fast,reliable and convenient method for routine use. Objective Knowledge of an enterovirus genome sequence is very important in epidemiological investigation to identify transmission patterns and ascertain the extent of an outbreak. The MinION sequencer is increasingly used to sequence various viral pathogens in many clinical situations because of its long reads, portability, real- time accessibility of sequenced data, and very low initial costs. Host, information is lacking on MinION sequencing of enterovirus genome. Methods In this proof-of-concept study using Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and Coxsackievirus A16 (CA16) established an amplicon-based whole genome sequencing method using MinION. We explored the accuracy, minimum sequencing time, discrimination and high-throughput sequencing ability of MinION, and compared its performance with Sanger sequencing. Results Within the first minute (min) of sequencing, the accuracy of MinION was 98.5% for the single EV71 strain and 94.12% -97.33% for 10 genetically-related CA16 strains. In as l ittle as 14 min, 99% identity was reached for the single EV71 strain, and in 17 min (on average), 99% identity was achieved for 10 CA16 strains in a single run. Confluence MinION is suitable for whole genome sequencing of enteroviruses with sufficient accuracy and fine discrimination and has the potential as a fast, reliable and convenient method for routine use.
徐渭  是诗人,是画家,是书法家,是军事家,是戏曲家,是民间文学家,是美食家,是酒徒,是旅行家,是历史学家,是精神病患者,是杀人犯。  徐渭(1521—1593),初字文清,改字文长,有别号青藤道人等,出身于浙江绍兴山阴一个没落的官僚世家,母为侍女小妾。少年时天才超逸,入徐氏私塾读书。“六岁受《大学》,日诵千余言”。十岁仿扬雄《解嘲》作《释毁》,性格豪放,“指掌之间,万言可就”。二十岁时成为生员,
勾股定理在解决问题时的作用非常大,特别是在计算线段长的问题时勾股定理是常用的定理,但是有些同学在应用勾股定理时,还是觉得有一些难度的,主要问题是对式中的平方形式不适应,其实只要用方程的思想去看勾股定理的应用就一通百通了. 我们先回忆一下勾股定理的内容:在Rt△ABC中(如图1),∠C=90°,AB=c,AC=b,BC=a,则a2+b2=c2.  情形一:观察一下勾股定理的等式a2  +b2=c2,
摘 要:随着非物质文化遗产日益严重流失这一现象的不断凸显,国家的“非遺”保护体系逐渐形成。文章从瓯剧的传承价值切入,通过调查瓯剧传承的现状,并对其进行分析,最后试图基于社会各群体,探索促进其适应路径。  关键词:瓯剧;传承;发展  一、瓯剧的历史轨迹  纵观我国戏曲艺术数百年来的发展历史,既是群芳争艳、繁荣昌盛的发展历史,在某种程度上也是竞争、兼并、崛起、淘汰、吞没的历史。  温州瓯剧,始于清代乾
勾股定理是初中几何核心内容,历年来也是中考必考知识点,为了帮助同学们提前一览中考试卷上会以怎样的形式考查勾股定理,我们特别精选几例,供大家提前演练.  1. (2010·四川泸州)在△ABC中,AB  =6,AC=8,BC=10,则该三角形为( ).  A. 锐角三角形  B. 直角三角形  C. 钝角三角形  D. 等腰直角三角形  2. (2011·湖北武汉)如图,铁路MN和公路PQ在点O处交