
来源 :小天使·语数英初二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leon7352
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  1. -With the help of that machine, we can do the work with __________money and __________people.
   -That's wonderful!
  A. less; fewer B. fewer; less
  C. fewer; fewer D. less; less
  2. There are __________tall trees and two__________ old houses in that faraway village.
   A. hundreds of; hundreds of
   B. hundreds of; hundred
   C. hundred; hundreds of
   D. hundred; hundred
  3. -The radio says it's going to snow tomorrow.
  -Really? That will make our job __________ more difficult.
   A. everB. evenC. manyD. some
  4. -Your friends are all very nice.
  -You're right. I choose my friends on how we__________.
  A. get withB. get on
  C. get inD. get up
  5. -Julia, you look unhappy.__________
  -I lost my English book yesterday.
  A. Can you help me?B. What should I do?
  C. Can I help you?D. What's wrong?
  6. Alan's math is not very good. Maybe his parents should get him a __________.
  A. student B. doctorC. tutorD. friend
  7. -I called you at seven last night, but there was no reply.
  -Oh, sorry. I __________ with my mother in the supermarket.
  B.am shopping
  D. was shopping
  8. Erin will go on a trip to France. Her flight __________ Paris will take off__________ Beijing International Airport.
  A. from; toB. to; from
  C. in; fromD. to; for
  9. Don't be__________of difficulties. Try hard and you will get a(n)experience.
   A. amazing; scared B. scared; amazing
   C. happy; amazing D. scared; scared
  10. The young woman __________the store and__________a green car.
  A. went out; got into
  B. came out of; went into
  C. gets out of; went on
  D. got out of; got into
  11. -It's difficult to learn a foreign language well.
  - __________ . I began to study English six years ago. But my English is very bad now.
  A. I agreeB. I disagree
  C. I don't think soD. I hope so
  12. Lana's new pen was lost yesterday. And she asked me __________ she __________ mine.
  A. why; could borrow B. if; could use
  C. while; can borrowD. that; can use
  13. My aunt told me__________ .
  A. she will not have supper at home
  B. he forgot to turn off the light in the bedroom
  C. she is going to buy me a new coat
  D. she would come back at six
  14. -What will you do if you __________ ?
   -Try harder and do better next time.
  A. get a disappointing result
  B. will get a good result
  C. got a disappointing result
  D. would get a good result
  15. Last year I had a __________ time __________English. But I am very glad I got a good result in the end-of-year exam.
  A. difficult; knowing B. happy; learning
  C. hard; studyingD. great; following
   Two young men lived in a small village. One
  day they1a hill near their home. They founda young eagle(鹰) and brought him home with them. The little eagle was2in the chicken house with the other chickens. The little eagle3to become a chicken. 4he failed. He tried enjoying pecking(啄) in the dirt,eating worms or the garbage(垃圾) which the farmers threw out. He5tried walking around cackling(咯咯叫) like the chickens. He tried 6 all day following the chickens. He stayed with them all the time and7dirty. One day as he was getting more and more8 , a dog barked at him. The little eagle used his wings to scare9away. Then it flied10 the blue sky. His wings carried him to the highest trees and to the highest mountains, and he never wanted to be a chicken again.
  1. A. climbedB. jumped
   C. destroyed D. rode
  2. A. tookB. carried C. putD. brought
  3. A. did B. tried C. fliedD. thought
  4. A. AndB. OrC. Then D. But
  5. A. everB. never C. even D. only
  6. A. takingB. spendingC. costing D. wasting
  7. A. got B. made C. foundD. drank
  8. A. tiredB. disappointed
   C. surprisedD. scared
  9. A. the farmerB. two men
   C. the chicken D. the dog
  10. A. down B. intoC. ontoD. above

  1. This passage is a "_______"
  A. talk show B. news
  C. speechD. class
  2. What's the pro blem with the kids?
  A. They don't know how to talk with Professor David
  B. They don't know what to do on the Internet.
  C. They don't know how to look for information on the Internet.
  D. They don't know what to do when their net-friends ask them to do something.
  3. What do the underlined words "skip it" mean according to the passage?
  A. 忍受B. 不用理
  C. 跳起来D. 安静地听
  4. If your net-friends want to visit or invite you, according to the professor's advice, _______.
  A. you should be friendly to them
  B. you could meet them alone
  C. make sure a parent is along with you when you meet them
  D. make sure a friend is along with you when you meet them.
  5. What's the professor's opinion?
  A. Don't tell much about yourself to strangers on the Internet.
  B. Don't make friends on the Internet.
  C. Don't talk with adults too much on line.
  D. You should believe in what your friends say.
  Safety Tips
  Where you live:
  Keep your doors closed and locked all the time, even if you run down to get a mail or go to the laundry for a minute.
   If you are ALONE, don't just open your door when someone knocks. Look through a peephole(窥视孔) to see who is there. Or TELL the person to come back later.
   On the phone, always GET information, but don't GIVE information. You should get THEIR NAMES, know who they want to talk to, and why they are calling.
   If unusual things happen, CALL 110 and report what is happening to you.
  When you go out:
   Go out with TRUSTED(可信任的) friends. If you go to parties with people, always make sure you are with several friends that you trust.
   agree don't plans to make that you uncomfortable feel unsure or. Feeling safe is number one!
  When taking a bus or train:
   As much as possible(尽可能多地) pick stops where others are waiting.
   Try NOT to be late at night. If you have to take a bus or train at night, you'd better use stops that have more people and have bright lights.
   When waiting near a group of people, if someone makes you feel uneasy, MOVE soon.
  1. According to the passage, if someone knocks on your door, what should you do?
  2. What is the most important when you go out?
  3. If you have to take a bus at night, what should you do?
  4. 将划线部分的句子翻译成中文。
  5. 将斜体字部分重新组成完整句子。
  1. I'm easy to have a cold with the change of the weather. If I'm ill, I have to take medicine. I hate eating them and I'm unhappy.()
  2. I argued with my best friend yesterday. I'm angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be friends with each other or end the friendship between us?()
  3. I love painting but my parents let me joint the guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar but I can't play it well. I want to study painting.()
  4. I can't remember English words. My problem is: If I learn a word today, I'll forget it tomorrow. I'm very upset because I have a bad memory.()
  5. I'm getting fatter and fatter. I'm so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. How can I lose my weight?()
  A. If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you will make much progress in painting because "Interest is the best teacher".
  B. I think you should eat less meat, more fruit and vegetables as well as exercise every day. It can help you lose weight as well as keep in good health.
  C. I think you could have a good talk with your friend. If you are right, you should let your friend know why he is wrong. If you're wrong, you should say sorry to your friend. Don't end the friendship between you.
  D. Why not try your best to take more exercise? It's good for your health. If you are strong enough, the illness will be away from you.
  E. A good way to remember English words is to read English stories every day. If you do, you'll remember English words well.
  You are going to hear a telephone conversation. It is between an English teacher and a student who is going to study at a language school in England. The student is calling to ask the teacher for information about English lessons offered by the language school.
  ● You will hear the conversation only once.
   ● You now have thirty seconds to read the following notes, which are made by the student before he calls up.
  ● While you are listening, finish the notes as briefly (简洁地) as possible.
  ● The first part is done for you as an example.
  - How many lessons?Five lessons one week
   - What activities? ________________
   - Where?________________
   -What time? ________________
   - How to apply(申请)?________________
   - How much? ________________
  1. This is a task for _____.
   A. speaking B. reading
   C. listeningD. writing
  2. How many times will the conversation be heard?
   A. Once.B. Twice.
   C. Three timesD. More than three times.
  3. While you are listening, you'd better _____.
   A. write down every word
   B. read the notes
   C. write down short notes
   D. do nothing but listen
  4. Why is the first part done? Because _____.
   A. it is too easy B. it is the first one
   C. it is very interesting D. it is an example
  5. The student makes some notes in order to_____.
   A. call up his English teacher
   B. get information exactly
   C. make some friends
   D. answer his English teacher
  1. -I b __________a beautiful pen in that store last week.
   -Really? But yesterday Jay told me the store sold no pens.
  2. I think reading an i __________ book is much better than watching a boring TV play.
  3. The boy f __________ off his bike. Luckily, he wasn't badly hurt.
  4. Don't worry, Mum. I'm fourteen years now.
   I'm old enough to look after m__________ well.
  5. -Marcia isn't in now. Can I take a m__________for you?
   Yes, please. Tell her to call me when she comes back.
  6. -Who is Alan __________(争论) with?
   -Scott, his best friend.
  7. -How many people died in the traffic __________(事故)?-Two.
  8. It's __________(可能) for you to catch the last train if you take a taxi there.
  9. -What would you like to drink, coffee or tea?
  - __________(任一的) is OK.
  10. The girl became __________(不安的) when the teacher asked her to answer the question.
  1. 由于下大雨,飞机无法起飞。
  The plane couldn't take off on time __________
   __________ the heavy rain.
  2. 他坚信这项预言总有一天会实现。
  He's sure that this prediction will
   __________ ________________ one day.
  3. 我们将要把这些人送上月球。
  We'll __________these people __________ the moon.
  4. 你十年后的生活将会怎么样?
  What will your life____________________ in ten years?
  5. 除了他没人能做这样的事。
  Nobody ____________________could do such a thing.
  A. Can we eat food in class?
  B. If you fail in the exam, the teacher will call your parents.
  C. Could you tell me some of the school rules?
  D. I'll remember that.
  E.Is there anything you think the most important at this school?
  F.What can I do for you?
  G.What's wrong with you?
  A: Hi, my name is Jane.
  B: Hi, Jane. I'm Connie. Nice to meet you. Are you a new student here?
  A: Yeah.1
  B: Sure. Don't shout or run in the hallways.
  A: Aha, I don't think I'll do that.2
  B: No, we can't. It is impolite to teachers.
  A: I see. 3
  B: Yes. Try to work hard at all your subjects. 4
  A: OK,5 What else?
  B: Don't be late for school. Finish your homework on time.
  A: Thank you, Connie.

   When the light went out at eight o'clock yesterday evening, Mr. Zhang was
  一、1-5 ABBBD6-10 CDBBD11-15 ABDAC
  二、1-5 ACBDC 6-10 BABDB三、A篇:1-5 ADBCA B篇:1. Look through the peephole, or tell the people to come back later. 2. Safety. 3. Wait at the stops that have more people and bright lights. 4. 如果有异常情况发生的话,立即拨打110来报告发生在你身上的发生的一切。5. Don't agree to plans that make you feel uncomfortable or unsure. C篇:1-5 DCAEBD篇:1-5 CACDB四、A) 1. bought 2. interesting 3. fell4. myself 5. messageB) 6. arguing 7. accident 8. possible 9. Either10. nervous五、1. because of 2. come true 3. send; to 4. be like5. except him六、1-5 CAEBD 七、One possible version:
  When the light went out at eight o'clock yesterday evening, Mr. Zhang was watching a basketball match. Later he decided to listen to the radio. Sally was playing the piano at that time. Then she stopped to have a rest. Tom was doing some reading in his room. Later he went to bed. Mrs. Wang was not lucky. She was in the lift at that time. She couldn't get out until the worker came to help her.
  1. Two 2 Bring a bottle of wine or some other refreshments.3. No.4. Giving money would cause some embarrassment.5.You should thank your host for a wonderful evening and say good night.
大地没有水,便成了沙漠;人间没了爱,这世界还剩什么?在没有爱的世界里,菠有忠肝义胆,舍生取艾,雪中送碳,就没有人生之源,也就不会有人生的绿荫。有了爱,纵然是满眼阴云,遍地荆棘,你都会对人生充满无限的迷恋和神往。  请以“感受生活中的爱”为话题,写一首诗歌,不少于20行。要求:思想健康,情感真挚。    病文呈现    爱是什么 孟晓玉  爱是什么  我曾问过爸爸妈妈  他们笑而不答  时间告诉我 
标系中是双曲线(如图).  (矩形面积)在解题中常常正反两方面应用.  一、由面积到解析式的应用  例1 (贵州贵阳市)如图1,点P是反比例函数图像在第二象限上的一点,且矩形PEOF的面积为3,求反比例函数的表达式.  二、由解析式到面积的应用  D,如图2,求四边形ABCD的面积.  三、面积与解析式的综合应用  A.① B.② C.③ D.④    年龄  老农夫早年丧妻,经媒人介绍与一名三十
【例题】为了从甲、乙两名学生中选拔一人参加今年六月份的全市中小学生实验操作竞赛,每个月对他们的实验水平进行一次测验.右下表给出了两人赛前的五次测验成绩,如果你是他们的辅导老师,应让哪位学生参加这次竞赛?为什么?  错解:由计算可知:  甲的平均数==80(分),  乙的平均数==80(分),  甲的方差==70,  乙的方差==30.  因为乙的方差小于甲的方差,所以乙生测验成绩波动较小,应让乙生
在金庸的十五部小说中。可能以《射雕》更为经典,郭靖,黄蓉,黄老怪,“老顽童”无不个性鲜明。而大漠孤烟,桃花岛上的旖旎风光又像一幅幅画卷。期间变错着家仇国恨,伉俪情深,师徒意重的情感线条也让人感动。大宋,金田,辽田更是交织出一幅宏大的历史画卷。书中对什么是真正的侠之大者也进行了思考和探讨,由“傻小子”郭靖到一代大侠,期间必是经过一番修炼的。  郭靖纵马急驰数日,已离险地。缓缓南归,天时日暖,青草日长
顾文艳,出生于1991年  11月6日,现就读于浙江杭州外国语  学校。不同于那些八十年代之后的青春书作者的。不仅仅是年龄,更重要的是风格的变化——变化多端,并且冲破了那些框架。爱好是最最平常的:吃东西,看书。比较喜欢粉色,愿温馨的颜色可以进入每一个人的心里。希望对每一个爱好写作的人说;只要有爱,并且用最喜欢的方式去表达,信念就不会有遗憾。  作者语录:愿每一个人可以幸福着,直到永远    然后坐
明星代言,似乎是新事物,舶来品。其实非也,古人也有广告代言,但就是考证不出是否收了代言费,还有代言了伪劣产品,古人会不会道歉。或者被抓进衙门打屁股?  山东阳谷县有个景阳岗,那是《水浒传》里的地名,武松在那里打死了一只大虫。南宋时,官府立下了“武松打虎处”石碑。武松打虎前,曾在岗下酒店喝了十多碗酒,后来这种酒在当地闻名遐迩。历经千年不绝,现在阳谷生产的酒均以武松打虎作为宣传,武松自然是代言人,如果
从小我就很爱去阿姨家,因为阿姨家有一串风铃。  那串风铃漂亮而且别致。它是由两种不同的“铃”组合而成的:一种是塑料的“花铃”,另一种是黄色的铁铃。花铃很美,也很可爱。透明的塑料构成了一朵朵正在开放的郁金香。花瓣是粉红的,花蕊是天蓝的,色调和谐,晶莹剔透而又小巧玲珑,令人一见就会想起灰姑娘的那双水晶鞋。和花铃相比,铁铃就要严肃、朴实得多了。一个个小铃铛整整齐齐地排列着,金灿灿、黄澄澄、油亮亮的,犹如
极差是“数据的波动”部分的重要内容,在实际应用和中考中频频出现,本文以2008年的中考试题为例,概述极差在中考中出现的各类题型.  一、直接应用型  例1 (2008浙江台州)一组数据9.5,9,8.5,8,  7.5的极差是( )  A.0.5 B.8.5 C.2.5 D.2  解析 这组数据的最大值是9.5,最小值是7.5,其差是2,所以这组数据的极差是2,因此选D.  点评 极差用来反映一组
1. In 1638, an Italian people named Laverne was grasped by the police to go to jail because of fighting. (1638年,意大利有个叫拉文的人,因与别人打架斗殴,被警察抓进监狱。)    2. The life in prison was very bad. Soon Laverne was tr
加拿大医师奥斯勒在医学方面有过很多贡献,医学上以他的姓氏命名的术语就有奥斯勒结节、奥斯勒氏病等。他还成功地研究第三种血细胞等,是一个身兼许多工作而又极端负责的人。除了睡觉、吃饭外,他的时间几乎被工作排满了。  为了挤出时间读书学习,他为自己定下一个不可变通的制度:“每天睡觉之前必须读15分钟的书。”不管忙碌到多晚,就是凌晨两三点钟进卧室,他也一定要读完15分钟的书之后才肯入睡。  每天15分钟的读