轮胎产销双增长 效益改善见隐患

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2003年,在国家坚持扩大内需方针,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,保持政策的连续性和稳定性,准确把握宏观调控方向和经济运行调度力度的指导下,第一季度国内生产总值达23562亿元,同比增长9.9%,其中第二产业增长12.3%。经济增长仍是在“三驾马车”的带领下保持发展的良好态势:1.固定资产投资高速增长。一季度全社会固定资产投资6155亿元,同比增长27.8%,比上年同期上升8.2个百分点;外商直接投资快速增长,直接投资合同金额229.8亿美元,同比增长59.6%,实际使用金额130.9亿美元,同比增长56.7%,分别比上年同期上升48.2和29.2个百 In 2003, with the guidance of the State in adhering to the principle of expanding domestic demand, implementing a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, maintaining the continuity and stability of policies, and accurately grasping the direction of macroeconomic regulation and control as well as the economic operation and dispatch, the first quarter’s total domestic product Reaching 2.3562 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the previous year, of which the secondary industry increased by 12.3%. Economic growth is still a good trend under the leadership of “troika”: 1. Rapid growth of investment in fixed assets. In the first quarter, the total social investment in fixed assets reached 615.5 billion yuan, up 27.8% over the same period of last year and up 8.2 percentage points over the same period of last year. The foreign direct investment grew rapidly with the direct investment contract value of 22.98 billion U.S. dollars, up 59.6% from the previous year and the actual use of 13.9 billion U.S. dollars An increase of 56.7% over the same period of last year, up 48.2% and 29.2% respectively over the same period of last year
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