
来源 :儒家典籍与思想研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanrj
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胡宏是湖湘學派的創建者,他繼承了二程洛學的治學思想與理路。胡宏將《四書》看成是經學的核心與關鍵,用它來理解、解釋《六經》,並將經世致用作爲經典詮釋的最終落腳點。胡宏受到其父胡安國《春秋》學的影響,對《春秋》學、史學頗爲重視。在經典詮釋上,他强調“以史證經”、經史合一,這對南宋中期的張栻、朱熹、吕祖謙等人的經典詮釋都有一定的影響。胡宏作爲南宋初年最有影響的理學家,他也借助儒家經典詮釋的形式進一步豐富、完善理學,建構了獨具特色的“性本論”思想體系,這使得他在宋代理學史上獨樹一幟,牟宗三先生將他與明代劉宗周視爲性學一派,與程朱理學、陸王心學並立。 Hu Hong is the founder of the Huxiang School. He inherited the political thinking and logic of the two-way Luo school. Hu Hong regards the “Four Books” as the core and key point of Confucian classics. It is used to understand and explain the Six Classics and to use it as the ultimate goal of classical interpretation. Hu Hong was influenced by the study of his “Spring and Autumn”, his father, and paid more attention to “Spring and Autumn” and historiography. In the classical interpretation, he emphasized that “the historical evidence”, by the history of unity, which in the middle of the Southern Song Dynasty Zhang 栻, Zhu Xi, Lu Zuqian et al. Have a certain influence on the classical interpretation. As the most influential philosopher in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Hu Hong also enriched and improved Neo-Confucianism with the help of Confucian classics and constructed a distinctive system of ideology of nature, which made him unique in the history of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty , Mou Zongsan regarded him and the Ming Dynasty Liu Zongzhou as a school of sex, and Cheng Zhu Neo-Confucianism, King of Lu and heart.
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