
来源 :中国经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuyaomama
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中国制造业已初步体验到了加入世贸组织后国内外市场更加开放带来的影响和冲击。总体来看,机械电子及通信设备制造等行业短期内受益比较明显;纺织服装、金属制品、有色金属等部分传统出口产业的受惠程度低于原先的预期;钢铁、化肥等行业进口急剧增长,对国内相关产业造成较大冲击;伴随着世界经济的不景气,大部分行业的进出口价格呈下降趋势,在一定程度加剧了中国的通货紧缩状况。 China’s manufacturing industry has initially experienced the impact and impact of the more open markets at home and abroad after joining the WTO. On the whole, machinery and electronics and communications equipment manufacturing industries have benefited more in the short term; textiles, clothing, metal products, non-ferrous metals and other traditional export industries have benefited from a lower degree than previously expected; imports of iron and steel, fertilizers and other industries have increased dramatically. The impact on domestic related industries has been greatly affected; along with the sluggish world economy, the import and export prices of most industries have shown a downward trend, which has intensified China’s deflation situation to some extent.
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