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有关资料显示,目前发达国家连锁经营一般占市场销售额的1/3以上,美国达60%.日本连锁经营占零售商业的主导地位,最大的“大荣”连锁公司年销售额超过240亿美元.德国最大的10家连锁店,1992年营业额总和超过3350亿马克.在西方发达国家方兴未艾的连锁经营,已在我国沿海地区和大中城市粮食副食品、机械五金、餐饮等行业迅速流行开来.1 连锁经营完全适用于医药商业随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的建立,旧的商业流通体系逐步解体,运转几十年的“一、二、三、零”的经营体制已经结束.一种适应市场经济的新的医药商业经营体制尚未建立.目前国家医药商业竞争激烈,流通秩序紊乱.批发业因厂家与医疗单位直接销售而相对萎缩.零售比重虽然增大.但由于经营品种有限,难以建立现代化的大型综合商场,加上零售消费者分散.所以目前医药商业零售企业普遍规模偏小,网点分散,各自为战,经营能力弱,造成内耗 Relevant information shows that at present, chain operations in developed countries generally account for more than one-third of market sales, and the United States reaches 60%. Japan’s chain operations account for the leading position of retail commerce, and the largest “Da- rong” chain company’s annual sales exceed US$24 billion. Germany’s top 10 chain stores, with a total turnover of more than 335 billion DM in 1992. The chain operations in the western developed countries are rapidly flourishing in the coastal areas and large and medium-sized cities in the grain food, machinery, hardware, food and other industries. .1 Chain operation is fully applicable to pharmaceutical business With the deepening of reform and opening up and the establishment of a market economy, the old commercial circulation system has been gradually disintegrated, and the operating system of “one, two, three, and zero” that has operated for decades has ended. A new type of pharmaceutical business operation system adapted to the market economy has not yet been established. At present, there is fierce competition in the country’s pharmaceutical business and the circulation is disordered. The wholesale industry is shrinking due to the direct sales of manufacturers and medical units. Although the proportion of retail sales has increased, due to the limited variety of products, It is difficult to establish a modern large-scale integrated shopping mall, and retail consumers are scattered. Therefore, the current general rules for pharmaceutical retail enterprises Small, decentralized network, conflicts, weak management capacity, causing internal friction
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现在的computer已普及到千家万户,就连小学生也开始上computer lessons了。但是,作为高中生的你,现在会用computer吗?请逐一回答下面的问题,看看你到底在多大程度上会用computer!    一、on computer还是on a computer    两者都可用,意思都是“在计算机上”,其中不带冠词用法抽象意味较强。如:  It’s all stored on (th
【训练题一】  现在很多中学生都开启了自己的博客。一方面,他们把博客作为一个窗口来展示自己,也可以通过博客来缓解学习上的压力,因此越来越多的中学生接受这一形式。另一方面,有些家长和老师却认为整理自己的博客要浪费很多时间和精力,这样就会耽误学习。请针对这一现象谈谈自己的看法。  要求:1. 词数120左右;   2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。  参考词汇:博客 blog