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舞蹈表现力是指表演者在全面掌握舞蹈的内涵与所要表达的内容之后,以舞蹈动作的形式将其形象的表达出来,并且在音乐和舞台效果的配合下使观众从中充分体会作品中所蕴含的内容。高校舞蹈教学中培养和提高学生的舞蹈表现力需要多措并举:夯实基础能力,确保学生的舞蹈动作规范;有效提升学生对于舞蹈的情感;提高音乐节奏的准确性;观察、体验生活,丰富学生的艺术想象力。引言在阐述舞蹈的内涵时,著名艺术家、文学家闻一多先 Dance performance refers to the performer in a comprehensive grasp of the connotation of the dance and the content to be expressed in the form of dance moves to express their image, and in the music and the stage effect with the audience fully appreciate the works contained in Content. In the dance teaching of colleges and universities, it is necessary to take measures to cultivate and improve the students’ dance expressiveness: consolidating the basic ability, ensuring the standard of the students’ dance movements, effectively raising the students’ feelings towards the dance, improving the accuracy of the music rhythm, observing, experiencing the life and enriching the students Artistic imagination. Introduction In elaborating the connotation of dance, famous artists and writers Wen Yiduo first
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现将经 CT 扫描检查确诊与手术病理证实的鼻腔、鼻窦病变84例分析如下。资料与方法本组84例,男性62例,女性22例,年龄14~72岁,平均年龄48.7岁。主要临床症状为鼻阻78例,分泌物
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患者男,64岁.因发现右胸壁肿物逐渐长大3年余于2005年1月2日入院.胸部X线示右侧胸壁实性肿物,边界清楚;双肺未见异常.B超示肝囊肿;胆囊结石;双肾异常回声,不除外慢性肾疾病可能,右肾多发小囊肿.术中见肿物大小18 cm×14 cm×12 cm,质地硬,似有包膜,表面血管丰富。
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