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随着新课改的不断深入,先进的教学模式和教学理念不断冲击着传统教学,这对农村高中教学提出了较高的要求,同时也是高中教学转变教学模式,改革教学方法,提高教学效果的重要契机,如何贯彻新课改理念,改革课堂教学模式,优化课堂教学,提高课堂教学效果是广大历史教师所面临的重要问题,需要教师深入挖掘,不断实践,不断探索。现结合我对新课改的理解与教学探索与实践对高中历史教学的优化浅谈如下几点体会:一、加强课程资源整合,培养学生学习兴趣课程资源是新课改提出的一个重要概念,深入挖掘整 With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, the advanced teaching mode and teaching philosophy constantly impact traditional teaching, which puts forward higher requirements for rural senior high school teaching. At the same time, it also changes the teaching mode, reforms the teaching methods and improves the teaching effect Important opportunity, how to carry out the new curriculum reform concept, reform the classroom teaching mode, optimize classroom teaching, improve classroom teaching effect is an important issue facing the majority of history teachers, need teachers to dig deeper, continue to practice and continue to explore. Now with my understanding of the new curriculum reform and teaching to explore and practice the optimization of history teaching in high school on the following points: First, to strengthen the integration of curriculum resources to develop students interest in learning curriculum resources is an important concept proposed by the new curriculum, Dig deeper
Property characterization of nanomaterials is challenged by the small size of the structure be-cause of the difficulties in manipulation Here we demonstrate a n
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在第二句的每个空白处填上一个适当的词,使其和第一句意思相同或相近。1.George eats a lot of healthy food.George eats__healthy food.2.Mary plays sports every day.Mary__every
科研的未来和教师的未来是紧密联系的,科研是教师不可回避的业务。目前中学教师的科研素质有待提高,学校要根据不同情况分类提高,积极探索教师科研队伍建设的有效途径。 The
根据工程的需要,在已有资料的基础上,依据耐热混凝土的检测要求,选择多种原材料,确定配合比和不同的实验方法,根据实验结果,将其用于实际工程中。 According to the needs o