
来源 :公民与法(法学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hahaxine
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“法治中国”梦的实现最终要扎根于本民族深厚的传统司法人文精神之中。在中国法制史课堂教学时,教师应竭力使法科生浸润在中国古代“仁政”、明德慎罚思想所铸就以民为本、恤狱慎刑、慎待死刑、五听审讯、重视亲情伦理、矜恤弱势群体等一系列蕴含丰富司法人文精神的法律原则与制度之中。这既是作为高校法学专业十六门核心课程之一的中国法制史教学之目的,更是培育法科生在未来的法律职业中常怀宽容、人道与谦抑之心;养成尊重生命、慎待死刑、关切人的尊严与价值、追求公正司法、秉持融伦理亲情于司法、矜恤弱势群体等当代司法人文精神所必须。 The realization of “the rule of law in China” will eventually be rooted in the profound traditional judicial and humanistic spirit of this nation. During the teaching of Chinese legal history classroom, teachers should try their best to infiltrate the law students in the ancient Chinese “benevolent government.” In Ming Dynasty, the thought of cautious punishment made by the people of Ming dynasty should be based on the people. A series of legal principles and systems that embody a rich judicial and humane spirit, such as family ethics, affection ethics, and vulnerable groups. This is not only the purpose of teaching Chinese legal history as one of the sixteen core courses of law in colleges and universities, but also the cultivation of law-abiding students in the legal profession of the future, often with tolerance of heart, humaneness and humility; to develop respect for life and be cautious about the death penalty , Concerned about human dignity and value, the pursuit of fair justice, upholding the ethics of justice, the vulnerable groups and other contemporary judicial humanism necessary.
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“真正的隐逸不是避开车马尘世,而是在心中修篱种菊。”林徽因如是说。只有我们筑起心中的篱墙,方能堵住外界的喧嚣,走上成功的巅峰,到达梦想的彼岸。  堵住权势的喧嚣,方能不忘初心。  嵇康,一朵深谷中幽兰,竹林旁,铁锤划过天际,击起点点火星,照亮世人。权势的喧嚣向他而来,他在心中筑起篱墙,堵住喧嚣。友人入仕,他挥笔洒就绝交书;生命将终,他奏琴成就《广陵散》。正是他的冰清玉洁留下后世无尽的喟叹,正是他的
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