The general inequity factors in China higher education

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  Abstract: The paper analyzed the lack of higher education has not clearly established ownership; insufficient market economy mechanism, imperfect of college internal management system and inadequate compensation system of higher education. Finding current status of higher education equity, including equitable development of high education and the lack of progress made in 4 factors. And then get an optimal solution obtained by the government, universities and individuals in higher education and how to locate and select strategies.
  Key words: education inequity, higher education
  Research background:
  Equity access to educate is basic human right and is the part of our welfare. Educational service is a critical public service provided by government and they have the main responsibility to push educational equity. Student’s education system is means that educators should base on the social need to influent their body and mind by planning and organizing. As extend of social equality, we need pay more attention on educational equality.
  Theories on educational equity:
  Definition of educational equity:
  1. The state puts the rationality of standard or rule as foundation to allocate country’s educational recourses.
  Educational equity is belongs to a history category. It has different meaning during the different time and counties. It reflects social reality and educational ideality. Educational equity is relative. Since social environments are different, talents, ability, and endeavors of students are different, educational equity permits differences.
  2. In macro aspect: educational equity refers to every school-age child having the same educational rights and opportunity, share the same public educational resources; in micro aspect: educational equity refers to every educator should treat every educatee equally, without any discrimination.
  Frame work of educational equity.
  1. Start point equity.
  2. Process point equity.
  3. Outcome point equity.
  Evaluation criteria of education equity.
  1. Indicators of access opportunity equity.
  2. Indicators of public educational resources allocation equity.
  3. Indicators of educational quality equity.
  4. Indicators of educational equity among groups.
  Indicators of public educational resources allocation equity
  1. Per-student budgetary recurrent expenditure and public expenditure in basic education.
  2. Per-student area of school buildings. Rate of dilapidated school buildings.   3. Per-student value of instructional equipment. Per-student volume of library books
  4. Ratio of students to teachers. Academic and professional background of full-time teachers.
  Challenges faced by China’s higher educational equity.
  1. Disparities of access opportunity of higher education across regions are prominent; the number of colleges and recruitment scale are largely different across regions.
  ① Disparity of enrollment rates higher education across regions.
  ② Analyze access opportunity from the number of college students from different regions.
  ③ Difference of enrollment rates resulted from imbalance allocation of the high-quality educational resources across regions.
  2.The educational equity of disadvantaged groups requires more attention.
  Living with identical piece blue sky, but can not receive the same education. The economical problem of higher education for children of migrant workers and Minority area has not been addressed yet. Children of migrant workers can not learning and taking exam in their parent’s work place. Urban-rural dual economic structures divide the whole education system into “rural education” and “urban education”, this economic system aggravated educational inequity. The problem of special education is severe: situation of the disabled people’s higher education and problem of staff in special education is prominent. The number of disabled people get college diploma is 940,000, it only occupying 1.13% of proportion of disabled.
  3.Disparities of resources allocation in higher education are prominent.
  Comparison of grants in higher education among the “211 and 985 university” (in 1993, State council called focus on central and local government force to construct about 100 universities and a number of key disciplines.) and general university. Proportion of the expenditure on education of “211 and 985 universities” is twice as much as large the university which financed and managed by provincial government.
  4.Disparities of higher education quality are prominent.
  Some believe that the extension for higher education has leveled down university standards and teaching quality. According to the EMI assumption, it is an mistake just put increasing the number of enrollment rate as a standard that decline educational inequity, government need pay more attention on improving school infrastructure and academic level for the low class student.
  Each unit in the education system should know and focus attention on the educational equity issue. China's rapid economic development and improvement can be provided material basis for further promotion of equity in education. The Chinese government could pay much attention to the development of education and educational equity, and take a series of advanced systems and measures to provide policies and regulations for protecting educational equity. Improve access higher educational chance for children come from rural residents, low-income families, vulnerable groups and minority region, reduce the education cost and the risk.
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一、教学目标,变“教学目标”为“学的目标”  教学目标的设定要体现素质教育的思想。以前教师制订教学目标只根据教学大纲的要求,所有学生一个样。可事实上即使同一个班级的学生听、说、读、写等方面的能力也存在着较大的差距。统一的教学目标会使好的学生“吃不饱”,差的学生“吃不了”。这样做严重影响了不同层次学生能力的发展。因此教师在制订教学目标时,既要考虑教学大纲的要求,又要考虑因人而异。吸引学生积极参与教学
引言  情景教学法通常是指在教学过程中,教师有目的地将带有一定情绪色彩的具体且生动的场景引入课堂教学当中以帮助学生更好的理解教材的一种新型的教学方法。笔者认为将情景融入初中英语教学中主要就是利用教学上的精心设计激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,在情景体验的基础上进行分析、交流和讨论并将抽象的书本知识具体为实际应用。笔者在英语教学上一直偏爱用情景教学法,下面也将围绕于此进行初中英语情景教学法模式的构建。  
摘 要:《英语课程标准》明确提出“本课程倡导任务型的教学模式”,要求“教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用‘任务型’的教学途径”。因此,在职教英语教学中有效实施任务型教学,既有效解决目前学生厌学英语等诸多问题,又有助于学生实际运用英语进行交际的能力。  关键词:职高英语;任务型教学;有效实施  任务型英语教学就是根据学习内容设计各种交际任务,让学生通过完成这些任务进行学习,体验用英语学
摘 要:本研究以针对新疆伊犁师范学院英语专业本科二年级和三年级开设翻译课程的学生进行的问卷调查为数据样本,考察了学生对英语专业翻译课堂教师使用母语的态度,结果表明:学生赞成教师用母语授课,但同时也希望教师适时、适量地使用母语,并能顺应学生需求地使用母语。本论文在此基础上对英语专业翻译教师课堂母语的使用提出了一些建议,指出母语在英语专业翻译教学中的意义。  关键词:英语专业;翻译课堂;母语使用;态度
摘要:本文通过使用定量和定性相结合的办法,对大学英语教师的教学信念和学生学习期待两者之间的关系进行研究,针对所发现的有脱节和重合的现象在这两者之间存在,最后就英语教学课堂当中提出针对性的建议来对先进教学理念贯彻。  关键词:大学英语;教学信念;学习期待  根据新课程要求则应该对以往教师为中心的课堂教学模式进行改变,确立学生为课堂教学的主体,这也是各高校进行高校英语教学进行改革的重要依据,而在新的教
摘要:利用多媒体资源库来展开形式丰富的教学活动(预习、复习、学习、指导等),不但有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,而且便于教师进行科研检索、信息查询以及丰富教学活动。本文从职业学校英语教学实际出发,对多媒体教学资源库的建设进行了研究。  关键词:英语;多媒体教学资源库;建设  英语多媒体资源库实际上是一个为学生与教师提供“教”、“学”资源的信息中心,教师可以在遵循基本教学原则的基础上,充分利用丰富多样的教
摘要:本文主要探讨音乐智能与第二语言语音习得的关系。对62名初一学生进行的实证调查结果,来说明音乐能力在一定条件下,能够促进英语语音语调习得。因此在英语教学之前及期间可以适当地进行音乐能力培养,同时又能提高学生的学习兴趣。  关键词:音乐智能;二语习得;语音  一、 引言  Howard Gardner (1983) 提出“多元智能理论”中包括音乐智能。自此,不少国外学者开始对音乐智能与第二语言习
摘要:本文针对当前民办高职院校党建工作存在的问题,以新修订的《中国共产党普通高等学校基层组织工作条例》为依据,探讨解决存在问题的措施和方法,以促进民办高职院校党建工作科学发展。  关键词:民办高职院校 党建工作 问题与对策  十七大以来,为更好地统筹国际国内两个大局,中央高度重视加强和改进党的建设。2010年8月13日新修订的《中国共产党普通高等学校基层组织工作条例》(以下简称新《条例》)