Thermodynamic Calculation and Analysis of Biomass Energy Applied in the NH_3/He Absorption Refrigera

来源 :Meteorological and Environmental Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lengxiang520
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[Objective]The study aimed to discuss the factors influencing the application of shaping biomass energy in the NH3 /He absorption refrigeration system. [Method]In the NH3/He absorption refrigeration system,the thermodynamic analysis of semi-gasification furnace based on sectional combustion technology and absorption refrigeration system was performed. [Result] Biomass could burn cleanly and efficiently in the semigasification furnace,which can reduce the environmental pollution caused by the combustion of coal and other fossil fuels. The heating power of the furnace for the absorption refrigeration system could not be too high,so biomass energy and other low-grade energy can be used as heat sources, which opens up a new way for the utilization of biomass energy. [Conclusion]Biomass energy was applied successfully in the absorption refrigeration system. [Objective] The study aimed to discuss the factors influencing the application of shaping biomass energy in the NH3 / He absorption refrigeration system. [Method] In the NH3 / He absorption refrigeration system, the thermodynamic analysis of semi-gasification furnace based on sectional combustion technology and absorption refrigeration system was performed. [Result] Biomass could burn cleanly and efficiently in the semigasification furnace, which can reduce the environmental pollution caused by the combustion of coal and other fossil fuels. The heating power of the furnace for the absorption refrigeration system could not be too high, so biomass energy and other low-grade energy can be used as heat sources, which opens up a new way for the utilization of biomass energy. [Conclusion] Biomass energy was applied successfully in the absorption refrigeration system.
摘 要:职业中专机械制图课是一门实践性较强的技术基础课,在培养学生学习能力和学生学习其他各门专业课程的过程中,起着奠基石的作用。如何应用得当的教学方法,成了教师进行机械制图课教学的关键。   关键词:机械制图课;创新教学;启发式教学      一、创新教学   实施创新教学的关键是改变传统的教学模式。传统的教学模式是教师讲解、示范,学生模仿练习,教师“满堂问”,学生被动地回答问题。这种传统
睾丸卵黄囊瘤(Yolk sac tumor)是恶性度高的肿瘤,好发于3岁以下儿童,预后差,临床上罕见。近年来本院发现二例,现报告如下: 例1,男性1岁,发现左腹股沟肿物4天,于86年3月13日
一、选择题:1~40题,每小题2分,共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一项符合题目要求的。  1.“亲情是缘,相聚是缘”,这是自古以来就深存于每一个中国人心底的情结。追根溯源,与这种情结形成有密切关系的制度是  A.井田制  B.分封制  C.宗法制  D.郡县制  2.表明自己“承天”而“子民”,官员、百姓则祭拜自己的祖先。这反映了秦汉以后  A.皇权至上促成祖先崇拜  B.君主专制缘于宗
一、选择题:本大题共17小题,每小题5分,共85分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。  1.已知集合M越{1,a2},N越{2a,原1},若M疑N越{4},则a等于  A. 4B. 0或4  C. 0或2D. 2  2.定义域为R的四个函数y=x3,y=2x,y=x2+1,y=2sinx中,奇函数的个数是  C.方程mx2+ny2=1(m,n是常数)表示双曲线的充要条件是m·n