至今,除人类以外,对HBV敏感的动物只有黑猩猩和长臂猿。这些高等灵长类动物稀少珍贵,应用极其有限。树鼩(Tupaia)介于低等灵长类和啮齿类之间,易于捕获饲养。本文探讨树鼩对HBV是否易感,获得初步结果。材料和方法选用云南树鼩(Tupaia Belangeriyunalis)自野外捉来后笼养2周,健
To date, only chimpanzees and gibbons are found in animals that are sensitive to HBV, except humans. These higher primates are rare and extremely limited. Tupaia lies between lower primates and rodents and is easy to catch and raise. This article explores whether tree shrews are susceptible to HBV and obtain preliminary results. Materials and Methods Tupaia Belangeriyunalis was caught in the field for 2 weeks after it was caught