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随着我国由计划经济体制逐步向社会主义市场经济转型,国有企业在未来的时间内逐步改造为自主经营、自我发展、自负盈亏、自我约束的现代企业。电力部,作为国务院下属的行业行政主管部门,将在全国率先实行改革,成立国有独资公司,按照政企分开和发电、输电与配电分开这两个原则来组建国家电力(集团)公司,逐步成为独立的法人实体,在全国范围内经营国家电网。随之而来,全国各网省局也要成为国家电力(集团)公司的子公司,同样也是独立的法人实体。 按云南电力体制改革的思路,云南电力公司下属的企业根据各自作用、性质和特点,将改制成为省公司的分公司、全资子公司、关联公司及其它形式公司。省调、各供电企业等成为省公司分公司;原有独立发电厂、设计、试验、修制和物资等企业将改制成为省公司的全资子公司;新建合资发电 As China transitions from the planned economic system to the socialist market economy, the state-owned enterprises will gradually transform into modern enterprises with independent management, self-development, self-financing and self-discipline in the future. The Ministry of Electric Power, as the industry administrative department under the State Council, will take the lead in implementing reforms throughout the country, establishing state-owned sole proprietorship companies, and establishing national power (group) companies in accordance with the principles of separation of government and enterprises and separation of power generation, transmission and distribution. Become an independent legal entity and operate the national grid nationwide. As a result, the provincial network bureaus across the country must also become subsidiaries of the State Power Corporation, which is also an independent legal entity. According to the idea of ​​Yunnan’s power system reform, the subsidiaries of Yunnan Electric Power Company will be transformed into provincial company branch companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries, affiliates and other forms of companies according to their respective roles, nature and characteristics. Provincial distribution and various power supply companies have become subsidiaries of provincial companies; original independent power plants, design, testing, repairs, and supplies will be transformed into wholly-owned subsidiaries of provincial companies;
云南省鲁布革发电厂位于滇黔桂三省交界的黄泥河上.全厂装机61.2万千瓦,是我国第一个采用国际招标, The Lubuge Power Plant in Yunnan Province is located on the Huangni
本文在民族国家的视野下,从守住民族文化之根、凝聚民族之心、推动民族文化进步三个方面,对中国共产党的文化担当进行了深入解读。 Under the perspective of nation-state,
青衣江畔,乐山市伏龙工业开发区,一片经开山填土,新开出的180亩土地上,正在建设年产10万立方米薄型中密度纤维板的中外合资乐山吉象人造林制品有限公司。 这个被四川省省委
艰苦奋斗是我们党的优良传统,是电力改革发展的精神动力。开展艰苦奋斗优良传统教育,发扬艰苦创业勇于奋斗精神,在创建电力行业文明单位的活动中有着重要的地位和作用。 一
一股淡淡的纸浆味包围着我们。 古城青州山青水秀。在青州造纸股份有限公司古朴的接待室里,我们和公司董事长兼总经理吴克平静静地叙谈着。 从外表看,吴克平沉静似水,只有目