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  Host: Please welcome A.J., Nick, Brian, Howie. You got a brand new CD dropping October 30th. Please welcome the Backstreet Boys!
  I mean, a hundred million albums. Can you believe this looking back? A hundred million albums, worldwide!
  Nick: It’s…I mean, it’s amazing. It’s crazy still to this day that to believe that. You know, all the stuff that we went through. You know, we were just talking about how there was a, there was a, like “an Era of Music,” you know, when music has changed, you know, when we were selling like, you know, one million…close to 2 million records in the first week – stuff like that. And how it’s never gonna, like, be that way again really.
  Host: Obviously very, very successful. One of the biggest-selling bands of all time. Why again? Why, why keep going?
  A.J.: Well, we love it.
  Host: You love it?
  A.J.: Bottom line – we love it.
  Howie: We’re not old enough yet to not get up on stage and still move a little bit, so, we’re doin’ it.
  Brian: So we’re excited about it.
  Host: And the sound is so distinct[独特的]. I mean, as soon as you hear the song, Inconsolable, you’re like, “Okay, that’s The Backstreet Boys.” You don’t even have to say it. You just know.
  Nick: I think that’s why we like the song so much, is ’cause it did feel that way. It felt, you know, natural, you know.
  Host: Kevin’s not in the group. Can you explain to the listeners
  Howie: Yeah. Kevin actually…he came to us and just said, “You know, guys, it’s like, like my heart’s at a different place right now. I’m lookin’ at…taking a different chapter[章节] of my life. I want to start a family with my wife.” And you know, we totally understood and gave him, you know, our blessings because when you, you know, when we start this whole process between recording, promoting[宣传], touring, it’s two years of your life that you pretty much have to give away[放弃]. And that’s something I wouldn’t…I don’t
  think any of us would wish upon anybody to try to have to start a family. You know, out on the road and stuff like that. So, you know, we told him, it was like,you know, “Take your time, bro[相当于brother]. The door’s always open.” He gave us his blessings to make this record, and to keep on going, so that’s what we’re
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It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart  Without saying a word you can light up the dark  Try as I may I could never explain  What I hear when you don’t say a thing    *The smile on your face
Let it go  Let it roll right off your shoulder  Don’t you know   The hardest part is over  Let it in  Let your clarity[清晰] define you  In the end   We will only just remember how it feels    *Our live