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3月5日,全国人大代表、海南省委书记罗保铭在审议政府工作报告时强调,学习领会、贯彻落实好报告,最关键的就是主动适应新常态,不折不扣贯彻习总书记提出的“四个全面”战略布局,结合实际把海南的事情办好,重点抓好六方面工作。一是下大力抢抓国家“一带一路”建设的重大机遇,积极推进三亚新机场及三亚临空经济区等重大项目实施;争取国家支持建设海南自由贸易区;加强与东盟国家的交流合作,努力把海南打造成海上丝绸之路互联互通的桥头堡、经贸人文交流的重要平台;抓好三沙基础设施建设和政权建设,扛起南海保护开发、维权维稳的 On March 5, NPC Standing Committee and Hainan Provincial Party Committee Secretary LUO Bao-ming emphasized in their consideration of the report on the work of the government that the key to studying and implementing and implementing the report is to take the initiative to adapt to the new normal and implement the letter put forward by the general secretary. “Four Comprehensive” strategic layout, combined with the actual situation in Hainan well, focusing on six aspects of the work. First, vigorously seize the great opportunity of building the “Belt and Road,” push forward the implementation of major projects such as the new airport in Sanya and the Airport Economic Zone in Sanya; strive for the state’s support for the construction of a free trade zone in Hainan; strengthen exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries , And strive to build Hainan into a bridgehead for maritime Silk Road interconnection and an important platform for economic and trade exchanges between the people and the economy. Do a good job in the construction of Sansha infrastructure and political power, and carry out the protection and development of the South China Sea.
AIM:To investigate the trend in gastric cancer surgery in the context of rapid therapeutic advancement in Japan and East Asia.METHODS:A retrospective analysis w
本文是笔者在珠江口至红海湾沿岸进行第四纪地质、地貌和新构造调查的基础上,对活动断裂所作的初步分析。 一、活动断裂的形成和演变 该区位于莲花山断褶带的西南段,南缘濒临
渤海湾的污染问题,已引起重视。随着四化建设的发展,向渤海湾排放的污水量也必将增加。 我们认为,在现阶段应着手给渤海湾周围各排污口(河口)规定一个合理的排放指标。显然,