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  Now I know you hoped for a Commencement speaker beloved in Boston—a man known for his popularity, character, and grace under pressure. I do know enough to know the most important thing about a commencement address: Be brief! After you’ve worked, studied, struggled for so many years, now comes the hard part: listening to a commencement address. One friend who has given about a zillion1 commencement speeches gave me some great advice: “Larry, keep it short and let them go party. They’re not gonna listen to you anyway.”
  The Boston Red Sox2 thank you, Boston University and we thank you, Class of 2008, for what you’ve done for us. Now, my role today is to share a few insights, and offer a bit of advice to you as you go out into the hard, cold world.
  Let me start with a personal note that is a bit embarrassing. Not long after I completed law school, I kept—enlarged, framed, and posted proudly in my office—a passage written by Brendan Gill, a writer and critic for The New Yorker magazine.3 He wrote it as encouragement for the young, who, even in the easy-going 1970s, were hearing, in Mr. Gill’s opinion, far too much about what a serious matter life was.
  According to Mr. Gill, I quote: “Not a shred of4 evidence exists in favor of the argument that life is serious, though it is often hard and even terrible. Since everything ends badly for us, in the inescapable catastrophe of death,5 it seems obvious that the first rule of life is to have a good time and that the second rule of life is to hurt as few people as possible. There is no third rule.”
  For years, I did not doubt this quotation. After three unexpected decades as a baseball executive, and after several decades of errors, missteps, and regrets, I instead offer my personal “Top Ten List,” in no particular order: my list of some of the lessons that life and the world of sports have tried their best to teach me.
  Number 10: Give a nod to Mr. Gill. Of course, it is true that life must be fun; also, that kindness is essential—and you do need to work at both. Mr. Gill wasn’t entirely wrong, just terribly incomplete.
  Number 9: Be bold—do be prudent—but please take risks, in your personal life, in your career, in your travels. In one of my favorite Meryl Streep movies, Defending Your Life, the main character is challenged for a lifetime of caution and timidity:6 “Fear is like a giant fog. It sits on your brain and blocks everything. Real feeling, true happiness, real joy, they can’t get through that fog. But if you lift it, then buddy, you’re in for the ride of your life.”   Number 3: Don’t be colorblind. Your world is indeed a rich, open, diverse, multi-colored, multi-ethnic, multi-textured16, multi-cultural experience. Declaring that all groups are the same is a deceit17; believing that some ethnic groups are better than others is a moral disgrace. Embrace and celebrate the pluralism18 and diversity that are the essence of American life, indeed the essence of all of life. We aren’t all the same, we shouldn’t try to be. Immerse yourself; enjoy our enriching differences. Opposites allegedly19 attract; they also educate.
  Number 2: Seek balance. A rich life is a balanced life. Don’t focus too early on your career. Deviate20 a bit. Embrace change. A Yale professor of my era once preached21: “Everything before age 30 was preface.” Widen your gaze. The world is open, and full of opportunity. And, pay attention to Sigmund Freud’s22 famous definition of mental health: “to work, to love, and to play well.”
  Finally, Number 1: Help some people along the way. The famous French soldier and statesman, Marquis de Lafayette, wrote long ago of America: “What charms me most is that all of the citizens are brethren.”23 We are—and must still be—brethren. Find a cause you care about. Involve yourself. And start early in life. For me, a two-time cancer survivor, cancer research and patient treatment are at the top of my priorities, and those of the ever-growing Red Sox Foundation24.
  Life is not about warming yourself by the fire, life is about building the fire. And generosity is the match. There is a Chinese proverb25 that applies. Roughly it says that if you want happiness for an hour, take a nap, but if you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
  In closing, let me say that, today is a day to focus on your triumph. I congratulate you—and with great admiration—wish you long and rewarding lives. God bless you, and thank you very much.
  1. zillion: 不计其数的。
  2 Boston Red Sox: 波士顿红袜队,是隶属于美国职业棒球大联盟的美国联盟东区的一支球队,拥有大聯盟满场最长纪录。
  3. framed: 装裱起来的;Brendan Gill: 布伦丹·吉尔(1914—1997),《纽约客》著名撰稿人,后将其为《纽约客》撰稿六十余载的经历写成一本畅销书,名为Here at the New Yorker;The New Yorker:《纽约客》,美国的综合杂志,首次发行于1925年,内容涉及政治、国际事务、大众文化和艺术、科技、商业、文学作品等诸多领域。
  4. a shred of: 一点点,些许。
  5. inescapable: 必然的,不可逃避的;catastrophe:劫难。
  6. Meryl Streep: 梅丽尔·斯特里普(1949— ),美国女演员,曾两次获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,知名作品包括《穿普拉达的女魔头》(The Devil Wears Prada)、《铁娘子》(The Iron Lady)等;Defending Your Life: 电影《阴阳界生死恋》;timidity: 胆怯,羞怯。
  7. banal: 平庸的。
  8. Elwood P. Dowd: 伍德·P. 多德,是电影《我的朋友叫哈维》(Harvey)中的主角,由詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stewart,即后文Jimmy Stewart)扮演,伍德是一个可爱的、想法古怪的中年男人,他最好的朋友是一只他臆想出来的名叫“哈维”的兔子。   9. oh-so: 非常地,极其地。由语气感叹词转化而来的副词。
  10. self-assurance: 自信。
  11. ponder: 琢磨,仔细思考。
  12. 答案是因为他们有着共同的敌人。这里“共同的敌人”指的就是parents(父母),因為对于祖父母来说,父母是让他们操心的小孩子,而对于孩子们来说,父母是管教他们的大人。这里只是用了夸张有趣的手法来描述家庭关系的冲突。
  13. Jackie Robinson: 杰基·罗宾森(1919—1972),美国职业棒球大联盟历史上第一位非裔美国人,是一位传奇运动员,以盗本垒绝技闻名。在成为大联盟球员之后,他用自己的比赛实力有力反抗了那些因种族歧视而反对黑人加入大联盟的人,起到很大的鼓舞作用,这段历史成为美国民权运动最重要的事件之一。
  14. catalytic: 起到催化作用的,促进的;compelling: 难以抗拒的,引人入胜的;cause: 事业,(奋斗的)目标或运动(尤指社会改革运动);nagging: 纠缠不休的。
  15. outrage: 愤慨,震怒。
  16. multi-textured: 多种多样的,多姿多彩的。texture意为“质地”。
  17. deceit: 谎言,欺骗。
  18. pluralism: 多元化,多元主义。
  19. allegedly: 据宣称。
  20. deviate: 偏离。
  21. preach: 宣扬,说教。
  22. Sigmund Freud: 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(1856—1939),奥地利心理学家、精神分析学家、哲学家,提出“本我”(id)、“自我”(ego)、“超我”(superego)等概念,著有《梦的解析》(The Interpretation of Dreams)等。
  23. Marquis de Lafayette: 拉法耶特侯爵(1757—1834),本名吉尔伯特·杜·莫提耶(Gilbert du Motier),法国将军、政治家,曾因参与到法国革命和美国革命当中而被誉为“两个世界的革命家”;brethren: 兄弟们,同仁。
  24. Red Sox Foundation: 红袜基金会,在红袜队所有者及合伙人投资下成立,致力于改善新英格兰地区儿童与成人健康、教育、娱乐等的非营利组织。
  25. proverb: 谚语,习语。
摘 要:教师在开展语篇教学时不仅要关注教材的文本内容,也要关注插图信息,从而帮助学生构建更加完整的语篇内容。教师可在导入环节借图回顾并导入主题,为创设话题语境搭桥铺路;在新授环节借图分析并分解重难点,为培养学生的学习策略和思维能力穿针引线;在巩固环节借图拓展,为文本重构提炼要点;在迁移生成环节借图迁移,为文本运用锦上添花。本文提出了插图应用的原则,并通过具体案例来探讨如何利用教材插图优化语篇教学。
在TESCO看来,自己并没有因姗姗来迟而错失良机,正是这10年时间,才摸准了中国零售业市场的奇经八脉,并在华迎来了快速发展的时期      与国际零售商状元沃尔玛、榜眼家乐福采取的国际化快速扩张、抢占中国市场的策略不同,位居探花来自英国的TESCO并没有急于一时进入中国市场跑马圈地。  2004年,姗姗来迟地TESCO才以曲线方式进入中国,比沃尔玛、家乐福晚了近10年——期间,沃尔玛已经在全国共5
茶,既是风靡全球的饮品,也是内涵丰富的文化符号。中国饮茶传统绵延千年,积累了许多措辞精妙的饮茶术语。这些术语美则美矣,对汉英翻译来说却是一种挑战。由于东西方饮茶文化不尽相同,一些中国茶人习以为常的感官体验,若是音译、直译,不仅不能令英文读者心领神会,有时还会造成误会。  比如“韵”字,就是一个有趣例子。其本义是好听的声音,引申义为情趣。但在品茶术语中,“韵”一字多义,或虚或实,有时表达只可意会的心
全球经济环境近来持续不明朗,有人甚至称二战以来最寒冷的冬天将至。而中国通货膨胀已不知不觉高企两年,物价居高不下。以往的低通胀高增长模式,基本上不可能再维持。“从紧”的背景之下,企业的生态环境骤然变化,即使在奥运期间A股市场也毫不留情地大幅下落,固然挫伤了不少机构和个人投资者,但大批面临经济转型的中小企业的命运,对中国未来的影响会更大。  令笔者关注的是,跨国公司在不少行业使出的招数,对中国市场环境
西方各国的人名五花八门、林林总总,有些传统的人名取自《圣经》,与宗教密切相关;也有不少常见名是源于希腊语或拉丁语。虽说来源相同,但由于语言的差异造成拼写不同,翻译成中文则花样繁多。下面便以一些常见名为例(为方便阅读,文中所有人名均采用拉丁字母拼写)进行说明。  John(约翰)是个司空见惯的英语名,如美国第二任总统John Adams(约翰·亚当斯)。此名来源于希伯来语,意思是“仁慈”。在《圣经》
瑞士是世界上最棒的徒步健行目的地,所有徒步道总和超过六万公里,据说当地人每年都会走上20条不同的徒步路线。我们来到瑞士,慢慢走,慢慢品,做一回阿尔卑斯山民。  少女峰区域  我们的第一个目的地,是伯尔尼纳阿尔卑斯山中的重量级景观—少女峰峰群(Jungfrau)及其周边的小型城镇,包括劳特布伦嫩(Lauterbrunnen)、格林瓦尔德(Grindelwald)、米伦(Murren)、文根(Weng
摘 要 :当代批评理论的发展之路始于新批评决定提高门槛,要求一种更大的阐释回报,这条路继而由翻新了的原型批评(其主要创始人是加拿大的诺思罗普·弗莱)和人类学延续下去。福柯在某些方面可以说是回归了人类学永恒的天真,不过当那样做行不通的时候,他又试着将认识论置于形而上学之上。朱迪斯·巴特勒和霍米·巴巴沿着这个方向走了下去。他们走入的僵局导致了对于外在框架的探求(罗蒂和利奥塔的哲学之路),然而,这最终提
捷克籍天才诗人雷纳·玛丽亚·里尔克自出生起就充满了矛盾和困惑。在他诞生的前一年他的姐姐不幸夭折,悲伤的母亲把他当作女儿的替身,因此给他取了一个女性名字René Maria Rilke,并且在他上学前一直给他编辫子,让他穿女孩儿的衣服。母亲一直渴望成为贵族,她不顾丈夫的反对,从小培养儿子赋诗作文的能力。作为捷克人,作者终生不会说母语,却掌握了德语、俄语、法语和丹麦语。瘦弱早熟的他在学校成为霸凌对象;
希腊文的构词成分我们陆陆续续已经进行了七讲,正式介绍了14个构词成分,并以若干常见的专业英文词汇为例。上一期介绍的是五官之一的眼睛(-opia/-opsy/opto-/ ophthalmo-),这一期进入第八讲,继续看看其他五官的构词成分。  同样温故知新,以下是迄今为止的14个构词成分。若有疑问,请翻阅前几期的杂志,答案很有可能就在那里。  (1) cardio-(心)【cardiopulmon