体操评分规则是体操比赛的法规,而裁判员则是比赛场上的法官,裁判执法如何,关系到体操运动能否沿着稳定、优美,幅度的三个特征方向发展的大问题。因此,一个体操裁判员要想执法“公正、正确”,就必须熟记《规则》中的扣分标准和动作难度,同时掌握技术发展的动向;而熟记扣分标准又是做好裁判的首要条件。下面介绍的归类记忆法,就是根据《规则》扣分是从0.1至1.0分的情况,按其扣分规律分成若干扣分格,然后将分布在《规则》的全部扣分纳入各扣分格,并采用熟记特殊、通记一般的方法。其特点如下: 1、容易准确熟记扣分标准根据记忆的生理机制和同样性质的材
Gymnastics scoring rules are the rules of gymnastics competitions. Judges are the judges on the playing field. How the magistrates’ law enforcement affects the development of gymnastics along the three characteristics of stability, grace and amplitude? Therefore, in order to enforce the “fair and correct” law enforcement referee, we must remember the “rules” in the standard deduction and the difficulty of the action, at the same time grasp the trend of technological development; primary condition. The categorical memory method described below is based on the “rules” deduction is from 0.1 to 1.0 points, according to the rules of their points is divided into a number of points, and then distributed in the “rules” all the points included in the deduction Grid, and the use of special memorize, pass in mind the general method. Its characteristics are as follows: 1, easy to memorize the deduction standard according to the memory of the physiological mechanism and the same nature of the material