Efficient reading

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maozi100
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  【Abstract】 The paper is introducing some ways to teach the reading lessons, mainly about six stages in the reading lessons.
  【Key words】reading skills; Efficient reading
  Reading is one of the most important ways to get information. In the same time, someone can get much information, but someone can’t.
  In traditional views, there are three basic steps of teaching a reading lesson: 1.Pre-reading: the aim of this step is to arouse the students’ interest in the topic or type of the text, motivate students to read. 2.While-reading: focus on the explanation of the text, help them understand the context and become efficient readers with their own reading strategies and skills. 3.Post-reading: not directly connected with the text, but usually “grows out” of it. One is to consolidate or reflect on what students read, the other is to connect the text with students’ own knowledge, interests, views etc.
  But in my view, the ability of reading is more active. When practicing reading, many readers are very rigid in their speed of reading, and they read anything at the same speed. This is very inefficient. Abstracting the organization and main ideas is invaluable for general comprehension.
  There are six stages of reading development.
  1. Stage one: Introduction. The introduction will be short or long dependent on the age of students and the intensive or non-intensive course. Reading integrates language study. At this stage, reading is linked with listening, speaking, pronunciation and writing.
  2. Stage two: Familiarization. Rearrangement and recombination of materials. Recombination may be situational dialogues.
  3. Stage three: Acquiring reading techniques. Simple narrative and conversation materials can develop an uncomplicated and entertaining theme. Unfamiliar words can deduce from illustrations cognates.
  4. Stage four: Practice. Practice students’ reading skill with a wider range of language. After this stage, they can read more complex text with more vocabulary.
  5. Stage five: Expansion. Students are encouraged to discuss the materials with their aesthetic appreciation, imagination and power of judgment and discriminative reasoning. Students learn to scan information, read with careful attention and extract the major ideas and arguments. Students can get some experience in translating English into their native language. Reading is also related to listen, write and speak. When they read an interesting material, then can give a presentation to share with their classmates. Teachers can help students to find more diversified materials from journals.   After stage five, students still need help in more difficult material in English. For instance, student often cannot identify the essential differences between the common logical connecting, such as “however, nevertheless, yet, in any case, besides, furthermore, more ever.” Such words are indispensable for understanding the thoughts and for drawing implications. Teachers should find suitable poems, stories, essays, scenes from plays and short novels to attract students to practice reading.
  6. Stage six: independence. Students who have reached this stage should be encouraged to develop an independent reading program depending on their own special interest. They should be able to express their own opinions to the teachers. Independent study for higher level students can better motivate themselves.
  In the reading lessons, building and maintaining an adequate vocabulary, integrating the language skills improve reading speed. At stage two or three, over-head projector can be used to encourage reading, at three or four, reading a certain number of pages in a limited time can make a pre-established comprehension criterion. In practicing reading, scanning is a useful skill. Students are encouraged to find as many answers as possible to a question. Stage four to six is to practice students reading independently.
  [1]Mary S.temperly[J].Wilgn M.river.
  [2]A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second or foreign language[J].
  [3]Edward B.Fry Ph.D Reading skills[J].
【摘要】会话打断是日常会话中常见的语言现象,本文在搜集大量汉语日常会话打断录音的基础上,以会话分析作为研究理论依据,从会话打断的相邻对以及相邻对扩展方面入手,重点分析、归纳和总结汉语日常会话中打断的中扩展以及后扩展的序列结构类型和特点,使会话双方能够更加深刻地了解会话打断的认知度和打断技巧,从而使打断一方能够更合理地完成会话打断。  【关键词】打斷;会话分析;序列结构;相邻对;扩展  【作者简介】
【摘要】2017版《普通高中英语课程标准》提出了指向学科核心素养的英语学习活动观,对当下的英语课堂教学提出了更高的要求。而在当下的初中英语阅读教学中,很多教师缺乏对文本进行深层分析,忽视整体性阅读,导致学生的阅读理解能力难以提高。因此,本文旨在分析英语学习活动观的内涵及其对英语阅读教学的指导意义,并通过案例分析学习活动观在阅读课中的实践方式。  【关键词】学习活动观;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简
【摘要】现在,大学英语课堂虽有一定的创新,但是还是存在着教学模式单一,以应试为主等问题。基于这样的情况,在大学英语课堂中引入游戏进行教学有着重要的意义。笔者通过分析现在大学英语课堂存在的问题并结合大学生和游戏的特点,解析游戏在大学英语课堂中所发挥的作用。  【关键词】大学英语课堂;游戏;游戏作用  【作者简介】张钦(1988.01-),女,汉族,河北邢台人,燕京理工学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向
【摘要】小学英语教学中,作业与练习是整个教学过程中非常关键的环节,是帮助学生巩固课堂所学的重要方式,也是老师检验教学效果的常用手段。然而,在现实教学中,作业的布置存在着诸多问题。  【关键词】有效作业;问题;策略  【作者简介】宋雅珠,苏州市吴中区甪直实验小学。  一、日常教学中作业设计存在的问题  一些教师往往只注重课堂教学的研究设计和实施,而忽视对作业练习的系統筹划。有的在布置和完成作业的时机
【摘要】小学英语属于语言类学科,对学生交际能力的培养具有重要的辅助作用。在中西文化交融的环境下,教师要明确教学目标,在课堂教学中渗透文化意识,促使学生深入了解英语文化知识,增强学习兴趣,体会中西文化的差异。基于新课改的要求,教师要遵循相应规则,积极探索培养学生跨文化意识的方法,并完善教育教学结构,确保学生的学习更为有效。  【关键词】小学英语教学;跨文化意识培养;教学探究  【作者简介】杨爱娟,江
【Abstract】Deyo, a critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, holds some interesting views concerning the novel The Awakening. Although interesting, Deyo’s reviews are only partly acceptable. This paper w
【摘要】随着现代信息技术的进步,以及它所带动的我国教育的发展,探究新的教学模式已经成为大势所趋,而基于3A课堂的英语读写混合式教学模式有希望成为当下英语教学发展的新途径。本文采用文献分析与深入实践相结合的方法,探索了在当前教育形势下,实施读写混合式教学模式的措施和效果,从而形成立竿见影的教学模式,并希望可以推广到普遍的英语教学中去。  【关键词】3A课堂;混合式教学模式;形势;探索  【作者简介】