The Awakening Review Response

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  【Abstract】Deyo, a critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, holds some interesting views concerning the novel The Awakening. Although interesting, Deyo’s reviews are only partly acceptable. This paper will give responses to Deyo’s reviews.
  【Key words】The Awakening; response; flawed; tragedy; misleading; mentally-suffering
  【作者簡介】ZHU Hui, WANG Xue-yan, Beijing City University.
  Emily Toth describes Kate Chopin as “the fifth most written-about author in the [American] literary canon (after Hemingway, Faulkner, Hawthorne, and Twain)” (30). Chopin’s novel The Awakening received a storm of criticism when first published in 1899. Deyo, a critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, holds some interesting views concerning the novel. The reviewer states that The Awakening is a “flawless art” (Deyo 164), “It is sad and mad and bad, but it is all consummate art” (Deyo 165). Although interesting, Deyo’s reviews are only partly acceptable. This paper agrees with Deyo that this novel is not for the young person. Unless with a proper leading by one whom can truly understand the information conveyed by it, young people could avoid being harmed. Meanwhile, this response will make a stand against Deyo, and holds a view that The Awakening is a flawed piece of art and a tragedy as well.
  To Deyo, “The Awakening is not for the young person” (Deyo 164). It is true because this novel includes some misleading concepts from the society at that time. If the youth could not fully understand the concepts, the novel would do harm to them.
  One of the misleading concepts is that the unequal status of male and female in a family is not a good example for the young people today. This novel portrays the typical conservative families at that time—male working outside, dominating everything, and female staying at home taking care of the household and children. Females take on weaker roles in the families. To Leonce Pontellier, Edna’s husband, it is the mother’s role to take care of the children, and he thinks that “if it was not a mother’s place to look after children, whose on earth was it?” (Chopin 49). He pays much attention to his work and reputation instead of caring for his wife, which is a typical phenomenon for that time. Colonel, Edna’s father, even tells Leonce that “the only way to manage a wife” is to “put your foot down good and hard” (Chopin 125). It is concerning to hear a father teaching his son-in-law to use coercion on his daughter. The concept of male power is deeply ingrained in the novel.   Another point claimed by Deyo is that “it is not a tragedy” (164). This is not true; it is in fact a tragedy. Either the mentally-suffering characters presented in the story or the tragic lives they live are examples. It is sad that Mrs. Pontellier is an inarticulate person, “She was not accustomed to an outward and spoken expression of affection, either in herself or in others” (Chopin 61). However, her husband is not caring enough to encourage her to express herself. To Mrs. Pontellier, as Cynthia Griffin Wolff says in her paper, her passion “is never expressed, always controlled” (452). To her, a married woman at that time, this is complete suffering. Unlike women today who can have their own careers, women at time devote themselves to families and even divorce is a shame against the social virtue. Like most of the women at that time, Mrs. Pontellier does not go to her friends to confide. Instead, she chooses to remain silent while suffering. Not that she is self-contained; on the contrary, she wants to be discovered. Mikaela McConnell, an expert in studying Kate Chopin and her novels, states that “permeating each human being is the desire to understand and the desire to be known” (42). That is the reason why Edna likes to stay with Robert and Reisz; they can easily dissect her inner feelings and inspire her to free her mind. Moreover, she always feels lonely even if Mr. Pontellier is by her side. The only exit for her is to cry or swim. To others, Mr. Pontellier is such a charming person: “he was in an excellent humor, in his spirits, and very talkative” (Chopin 47). However, he seldom presents his charm or expresses his caring to his wife. He thinks that his “kindness and a uniform devotion” “come to be tacit and self-understood” (Chopin 49). The lack-of-communication leads Edna to a negative rebellion way. What if Mr. Pontellier expresses his caring to his wife? That would tremendously change the story.
  Furthermore, the tragedy is also reflected in the inconsistent interests shared by the couple. Mr. Pontellier is enthusiastic for his career: “He was eager to be gone, and he looked forward to have a lively week in Carondelet street” (Chopin 49). Except for making money, he is fond of the club more than anything else. He hopes to share his experiences in the club but is very discouraged to find his wife “evinced so little interest in things which concerned him, and valued so little his conversation” (Chopin 48). However, neither of them is solely to blame. Mr. Pontellier spends little time at home; he is away either to work or to the club. “It is a pity” that they spent little time together; otherwise, they could be “more united” (Chopin 121). What is worse is that, Mr. Pontellier does not accommodate himself to his wife as well. He does not feel like either attending the soiree musicale or accompanying her to horse-racing. The differences and intransigence they have in daily life enlarged their incompatibility in their “accident” marriage, which “masquerade as the decrees of Fate” (Chopin 62). This is a tragedy to both of them and their marriage as well.   Perhaps the most deplorable plot occurs when Mr. Pontellier goes to Doctor Mandelet for help: “I know that; I told you I couldn’t explain. Her whole attitude—toward me and everybody and everything—has changed.” (Chopin 117).
【摘要】培养英语的核心素养就是培养孩子们对于英语的兴趣、自主学习的能力和英语语言表达能力,逐步与国际接轨,这也是素质教育的核心要求,在教育体制改革的当下,小学的英语教学要更加重视英语的核心素养的培养,而不是只关注孩子们英语考试成绩的高低。英语教师们要将核心素养的培养落实到平时的英语教学中,提高孩子们学习英语的能力,培养他们学习英语的兴趣,促进小学英语教育的发展。  【关键词】小学英语;核心素养;培
【摘要】一个人的思维在生活、学习、工作中发挥着非常重要的作用。其中纠错思维,可以帮助学生找到有效的方法来实现他们自己的目标,从而更好地解决问题。纠错策略是一種技能,学生在学习中不断地修改和应用这些技能是一种内化,会形成一种学习态度和生活态度。基于此,本文探讨怎样通过教学培养纠错策略能力。口语教学是英语教学中不可或缺的一部分,分析学生的错误原因,合理、有效地帮助学生改正错误极其重要。  【关键词】纠
【摘要】在小学英语知识的讲授中,教师运用“三线合一”的教学模式能够将任务、情境和情感整合起来,从而能够让学生感受到英语知识的趣味性,并在学习情境中将学到的知识运用出来,实现教师育人的教学目标。  【关键词】三线合一;小学英语;灵动课堂  【作者简介】曹玲玲,江苏省南京市江宁区翠屏山小学。  在核心素养教学背景下,教师要关注学生的学习过程和方法,注重培养学生的情感、态度与价值观。但是,现在英语教学中
【摘要】会话打断是日常会话中常见的语言现象,本文在搜集大量汉语日常会话打断录音的基础上,以会话分析作为研究理论依据,从会话打断的相邻对以及相邻对扩展方面入手,重点分析、归纳和总结汉语日常会话中打断的中扩展以及后扩展的序列结构类型和特点,使会话双方能够更加深刻地了解会话打断的认知度和打断技巧,从而使打断一方能够更合理地完成会话打断。  【关键词】打斷;会话分析;序列结构;相邻对;扩展  【作者简介】
【摘要】2017版《普通高中英语课程标准》提出了指向学科核心素养的英语学习活动观,对当下的英语课堂教学提出了更高的要求。而在当下的初中英语阅读教学中,很多教师缺乏对文本进行深层分析,忽视整体性阅读,导致学生的阅读理解能力难以提高。因此,本文旨在分析英语学习活动观的内涵及其对英语阅读教学的指导意义,并通过案例分析学习活动观在阅读课中的实践方式。  【关键词】学习活动观;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简
【摘要】现在,大学英语课堂虽有一定的创新,但是还是存在着教学模式单一,以应试为主等问题。基于这样的情况,在大学英语课堂中引入游戏进行教学有着重要的意义。笔者通过分析现在大学英语课堂存在的问题并结合大学生和游戏的特点,解析游戏在大学英语课堂中所发挥的作用。  【关键词】大学英语课堂;游戏;游戏作用  【作者简介】张钦(1988.01-),女,汉族,河北邢台人,燕京理工学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向
【摘要】小学英语教学中,作业与练习是整个教学过程中非常关键的环节,是帮助学生巩固课堂所学的重要方式,也是老师检验教学效果的常用手段。然而,在现实教学中,作业的布置存在着诸多问题。  【关键词】有效作业;问题;策略  【作者简介】宋雅珠,苏州市吴中区甪直实验小学。  一、日常教学中作业设计存在的问题  一些教师往往只注重课堂教学的研究设计和实施,而忽视对作业练习的系統筹划。有的在布置和完成作业的时机
【摘要】小学英语属于语言类学科,对学生交际能力的培养具有重要的辅助作用。在中西文化交融的环境下,教师要明确教学目标,在课堂教学中渗透文化意识,促使学生深入了解英语文化知识,增强学习兴趣,体会中西文化的差异。基于新课改的要求,教师要遵循相应规则,积极探索培养学生跨文化意识的方法,并完善教育教学结构,确保学生的学习更为有效。  【关键词】小学英语教学;跨文化意识培养;教学探究  【作者简介】杨爱娟,江