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高考临近,如何在考前对考生作出针对性的指导,我想谈点粗浅的看法,供大家参考。 首先,要加强思想教育。使考生树立“一颗红心,两种准备”的思想,明确参加高考是站出来让祖国挑选,不管能否考上,今后都要为四化建设贡献青春。只有思想上跳出个人得失的狭小圈子,进入考场才能心地坦然。 其次,临考前夕要养精蓄锐,满怀信心进考场。一些考生往往考试日期未到,心情就开始紧张起来。还有些考生考前大开夜车,苦战通宵,指望“现买现卖”。结果进场时精疲力竭,不要说临考前突击的东西记不清,就连先前复习的内容也恍恍惚惚,这就非吃败仗不可。战士上战场的前一、二天,运动员上赛场的前一、二天,指挥员和教练总是要求他们好好休息,吃饱睡足,准备大干一场。考生上考场前,也可以散散步,还可以看看电影、电视,逛逛公园,多 As the college entrance examination approaches, how can we give specific guidance to candidates before the exam? I would like to talk about the superficial views for your reference. First of all, we must strengthen ideological education. The examinees should establish the idea of ​​“one heart, two kinds of preparations” and clearly participate in the college entrance examination to stand up and let the motherland choose. Whether or not they can be admitted, they will contribute to the development of the four modernizations in the future. Only the narrow circles of personal gains and losses can be confidently admitted to the examination room. Second, on the eve of the exam, we must rejuvenate ourselves and enter the examination room with confidence. Some candidates often have not reached the test date, and the mood began to tense. Some of the candidates also set up a night train before the test and worked hard to find out that they would “buy and sell now.” The results were exhausted when approaching, not to mention that the things that were raided before the exam were unclear, and even the content of the previous review was also paralyzed. In the first and second days of the battlefield on the battlefield, the commanders and coaches always required them to take a rest, eat enough sleep, and prepare to do a great job. Candidates can also take a walk before going to the examination room. They can also watch movies, television, parks, and more.
Facing the impacts of the economic slowdown in China to the production and sales in Italy,President Dr.Reinhold Festge told the reporter that“In general we obs
为了做好学校安全教育工作,保证青少年健康成长,不久前铜陵市教育局召开了学校安全教 In order to ensure school safety education and ensure the healthy growth of youn
指导初中毕业生搞好语文复习,总的要求是:掌握基础知识,提高读书能力。下面,仅据我们在教学工作中的点滴体会,提点不成熟的意见,与老师们商量。 一、进行知识归类,认识语文
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